Boy, 14, who was radicalised due to Israel-Hamas conflict is youngest to be dealt with under ISA

SINGAPORE: A 14-year-old boy was issued a restriction order under the Internal Security Act ( ISA ) in June after he was radicalised due to the Israel-Hamas conflict, the Internal Security Department ( ISD ) said on Monday ( Jul 15 ).

The child is the youngest man ever to receive an ISA purchase. He considered carrying out attacks in Singapore and aspired to fight for the Black Flag Army ( BFA ).

A 33-year-old person, who is a previous manager with a legal board, was likewise issued an ISA limitations attempt in July.

An’nadya binte An’nahari” staunchly supported” the Axis of Resistance, a system of violent and criminal organizations that includes Hamas, Al-Qassam Brigades ( AQB), Hezbollah, and the Houthis, and advocated for Israeli and Jewish crime, according to ISD.

She is no longer employed with the legislative panel but was a member of it at the time of the investigation. An’nadya&nbsp, is the next public servant to been issued with an ISA purchase. &nbsp,

A man subject to a restriction order must adhere to a number of requirements. For instance, without the producer ISD’s permission, they are not permitted to relocate, change of jobs, or travel outside of Singapore.

Additionally, they are unable to use the internet or social media, make public comments or speak at sessions without getting permission.


The 14-year-old teen’s radicalisation was triggered by the Oct 7, 2023 terrorist strikes by Hamas against Israel.

After thoroughly reading pro-Hamas content and news online, this radicalization process took place” short span of months” in a” short span of months” ( in English ).

By January, the Secondary 3 scholar regarded&nbsp, Palestinian militant organizations like Hamas, AQB and Al-Quds Brigades as “legitimate supporters of Palestine” and was supportive of their aggressive deeds, said the ISD.

He also believed that all” Zionism” were enemies who needed to be killed and that the Oct 7 strikes were justified. He eventually came to the realization that fighting for the BFA and dying as a saint was his responsibility as a Muslim.

The child began to practice strict separatist values, such as that talking to female classmates and celebrating birthdays were against Islamic law.

He even physically prepared to fight for the BFA, according to ISD. &nbsp,

The child planned to save money by working part-time to finance his journey to Afghanistan, where he believed the BFA may emerge. Even if the government or his home tried to stop him, he was determined to visit the BFA.

” The youth tried, clumsily, to radicalise many schoolmates. The ISD stated that the children wanted to attract them to combat alongside the BFA and assist him in carrying out his aspirations for an attack.

He established a group of online chatters and invited six former students to meet.

He even posted video of himself as a terrorist fighter in the talk group, sharing links and videos on military violence. &nbsp,

The children warned against accepting non-Muslims in these movies, which were inspired by his enthusiasm for Hamas spokeswoman Abu Ubaida, and talked about the benefits of dying nobly as a hero for Islam, according to ISD.

If he could not go to meet the BFA, he was willing to conduct problems in Singapore on the BFA’s guidelines.

He intended to increase the number of people who could join his chat group to 60 or 100, and therefore launch attacks against non-Muslim individuals during holidays like Christmas and Chinese New Year.

” He hoped for attacks had instil concern among non-Muslims, to hinder them from for’ un-Islamic’ festivities, and help the establishment of an Islamic state in Singapore”, said the ISD.

The children acted alone and had no luck in radicalizing or recruiting his classmates, according to investigations thus far.

” While his family members were aware of his radicalisation, his relatives had noticed emotions of the youth’s progressively separatist ideas, but did not think they warranted action and help”, said ISD.

The Religious Rehabilitation Group ( RRG ) will conduct religious counseling for the boy to address the misconceptions that led to his violent and extremist ideology.

He will also get emotional counseling from an ISD counselor to “address the non-ideological factors that made him susceptible to radicalization.”

” Given his young age, he will be assigned with an RRG coach. The authority added that ISD officers will be in close collaboration with the youth’s family and school to ensure that he has adequate support to keep his rehabilitation on track and that his studies wo n’t be stymied.