Bleaching forces diving site closures

Bleaching forces diving site closures

Due to the worsening marine bleaching position, snorkeling and diving areas at some marine federal parks in five provinces have been closed.

The Department of National Parks, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation ( DNP ) recently announced the immediate closure of the snorkeling and diving facilities in the eastern province of Trat, Hat Chao Mai National Park in Trang, Hat Noppharat Thara–Mu Ko Phi Phi National Park in Krabi, Sirinat National Park in Phuket, and Mu Ko Chang National Park in the eastern province of Satun.

The shutdown were expected to coastal washing from April 2 until Wednesday, the DNP said.

In 21 coastal regional parks, nine in the Gulf of Thailand, and 12 in the Andaman Sea, according to the agency’s findings.

Some 54 of the detected coral fields are suffering extremely severe bleaching ( over 50 % ), 56 have severe bleaching ( 11- 50 % ), 39 have medium bleaching ( 1- 10 % ), three have pale colouration, and seven have dead coral.

Assoc Prof Thon Thamrongnawasawat, a marine environment intellectual and professor at Kasetsart University, posted on Instagram to review the marine washing condition at Ko Losin in the Gulf of Thailand.

He said 50 % of the marine around the area, both in deep lakes and at abyss of 20 feet, were bleaching due to the increased water temperature.

He claimed that because the island is far from the coast, he believed the majority of the bleaching marine around the island would return.

In addition, the authorities have announced the annual rainy season shutdown of six different aquatic national parks, including Helmet Chao Mai National Park, Laem Son National Park, Mu Ko Lanta National Park, and Mu Ko Similan National Park. They are expected to resume sometime in the middle of October or the end of September.