Big crowd gathers to protest LGBTQ+ assault

Hundreds of LGBTQ  people rally near Bangkok University in Rangsit area of Thailand's Pathum Thani province late Saturday night. (Photo: Pongpat Wongyala)
Late on Saturday nights, dozens of LGBTQ people demonstrate near Bangkok University in the Rangsit region of Pathum Thani state. ( Photo: Pongpat Wongyala )

Late on Saturday night, dozens of LGBTQ people gathered at a residence in the Rangsit area to protest an LGBTQ university student‘s alleged assault on a young LGBTQ student.

A victim who allegedly received fires on the back, neck, and shoulders was the target of a protest that started near Bangkok University on Saturday night around 11 p.m. The victim allegedly had her hair violently cut, was actually assaulted, and was splashed with hot sauce.

The assault took place on Friday at a soup purchase. The victim later that evening filed a complaint with local authorities and with Kanthat Pongpaiboonvej, alias” great Samaritan” Kan Chompalang, who likewise showed up at the march page in Khlong Luang area on Saturday evening.

Mr. Kanthat promised to look after all patients in similar cases. Another victim reported to him that a group of 15 people were encircling her, and that a shoe was used to hit her face.

Saturday night's protest in Pathum Thani. ( Photo supplied )

Saturday night’s protest in Pathum Thani. ( Photo supplied )