Bhutan wants more tourists, but will cap the number at 300,000 to protect its environment

Bhutan wants more tourists, but will cap the number at 300,000 to protect its environment

” Our culture would be suffocated, not because tourists want to ( suffocate culture ), but the numbers would suffocate our culture”.

About 100, 000 tourists arrived in Bhutan last month, a third of its 2019 apex of 350, 000. &nbsp,

According to Mr. Tobgay, the notion that Bhutan is difficult to visit is a myth that has a negative impact on tourism. &nbsp,

Due to the myth that Bhutan is difficult to get to and very expensive to get to,” Potential visitors would want to go to Bhutan, put it on a bucket list, but never get down it,” he continued.

But, the “myth” is great in a way, he said. &nbsp,

” Because when people finally get to Bhutan, breath our atmosphere, taste our water, join our people, join with us, interact with us, there is a great sense of satisfaction”.