Bar owner who raped 17-year-old runaway girl he was harbouring gets jail and caning

SINGAPORE: A cafe operator took in a 17- year- older girl who had run apart from a girls ‘ home and allowed her to operate for him, but after raped her in his apartment.

Raj Kumar Bala, a 42- yr- ancient Singaporean, was sentenced to jail for 13 years and four days on Monday ( Jul 8 ) and will get nine stroke of the wood.

He had already admitted guilt to a third count of harboring a runaway under the Children and Young Persons Act and had been found guilty of raping and molesting the victim separately.

The victim, who was 17 when she fled the Singapore Girls ‘ Home in February 2020, was discovered.

Through another runaway who was employed at Raj Kumar’s Don Bar &amp, Bistro in Dunlop Street, she learned about a job opening there.

The other runaway was also sexually assaulted by Raj Kumar in a move that was put on hold for the time being.

The victim met Raj Kumar, who explained the job duties, including serving customers and making drinks, when she went down to the bar to interview for the job. He gave her the job, stating that she could continue drinking with other runaways.

The victim spent a few days working at the bar, but the police received information about absconders and jobs there. They made a raid on the location on February 22, 2020 in the early hours.

The victim escaped the raid with another girl, fleeing to Sim Lim Tower, where she was later picked up by Raj Kumar.

He drove them to his condominium, telling them they could stay there, before drinking alcohol with the girls.

He sexually assaulted the victim while she was heavily intoxicated and engaged in other sex acts with another girl.

In July 2020, the victim left the condo and gave herself to the homeowner, but she only revealed to the caseworker that she had been raped in August.


The victim, who blames herself for the rape that occurred while she was intoxicated, received” considerable personal harm” from Justice Mavis Chionh.

Her ex-boyfriend’s corroboration of her testimony in court demonstrated how the trauma from her past would be resurrected in a way that adversely affects her well-being, the judge noted. &nbsp,

She claimed that Raj Kumar was aware of the victim’s dependence on him for income and shelter because she was young and on the run from the police.

However, the judge rejected the prosecution’s call to run the sentences for the rape and molestation consecutively.

Lawyer for defense Ramesh Tiwary requested permission for his client to call his uncle, who had just had a heart attack and was in a hospital.

Mr. Tiwary claimed to have given his client some advice, but was instructed to submit two additional applications: one to be allowed to remain in Cluster B of Changi Prison despite his conviction and the other to be released on bail pending appeal.

Mr Tiwary explained that Raj Kumar’s uncle, who had been taking care of his wife and children, has now suffered a heart attack.

Raj Kumar requested bail in order to leave his wife and children with the proceeds of his business and real estate.

Raj Kumar also wanted to apply for permanent residency with his wife and one of his sons, according to Mr. Tiwary, and wanted to enroll him in school the following year because they are both from other countries.

The judge declined to release his bail request, stating that once his sentence is up, the court has no authority to inform prisons where the accused should spend his or her time.

Raj Kumar is yet to decide what he intends to do with the additional pending charges.