B690bn target set for Thai wellness economy

The health minister encourages greater cooperation with the care and related companies.

Public Health Minister Somsak Thepsutin (centre) and Kreingkrai Thiennukul, chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries (right), discuss collaboration to promote the Thai wellness economy at the ministry on Tuesday. (Photo: Federation of Thai Industries)
Kreingkrai Thiennukul, chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries ( right ), and public health minister Somsak Thepsutin (centre ) and Somsak Thiennukul, the head of the ministry’s collaboration to advance the Thai wellness economy, speak at the ministry on Tuesday. Federation of Thai Industries ( Photo )

According to Public Health Minister Somsak Thepsutin, Thailand’s wellness industry is anticipated to contribute to the country’s economy’s 690 billion ringgit this year through partnerships between innovators and traders.

According to Mr. Somsak, the partnership aims to promote high-quality wellness products and services, including cutting-edge medical products, organic products, cosmetics, and medical products.

Mr. Somsak outlined seven policies to promote the health sector at a press event about cooperation between his government and the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI).

The policies emphasize promoting health commerce, accelerating the development of the medical products industry, and supporting proper growth in the health and wellness industry.

He claimed that the government has updated some laws to support the development of the sector, such as those relating to product licensing and enrollment, import certification, and advertising.

Different strategies are in place to encourage businesses to increase their competitiveness, including more education and legal support, and more local product inclusion in the National Health Security System.

The government “looks to support cooperative projects between the wise and the rich, which will open up a great economic window for the country,” said Mr. Somsak.

He claimed that the Ministry of Public Health intends to display Thai wellness products in the Thailand pavilion at the upcoming World Expo in Osaka, Japan.