Azmin sidesteps question on DPM candidacy, stresses Bersatu and PN’s role in strengthening Malaysia government

Bersatu secretary-general Hamzah Zainudin was supposed to meet Mr Ismail Sabri last Thursday to discuss the execution of the agreement terms, but the prime minister cancelled the meeting at the last minute, according to Free Malaysia Today. 

Barisan Nasional (BN) and PN make up the current federal ruling alliance. 

PN, which consists of Bersatu, Parti Islam Se-Malaysia and several others, is the largest coalition in the government. 

Mr Mohamed Azmin, who led an exodus of MPs from Mr Anwar Ibrahim’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat, joined Bersatu in August 2020. He is currently a member of Bersatu’s supreme leadership council. 

The Minister of International Trade and Industry said on Monday that he and his colleagues in Bersatu and PN wanted to strengthen the current coalition government.  

“Because with a stable government, a strong government, the people will benefit, and the country will prosper, god willing,” he said. 

Instead of getting ensnared in politics that brings no benefits to ordinary Malaysians, Mr Mohamed Azmin said he would like to see action-oriented politics that could serve them.

The government of the day is a coalition and not a single-party government, he added. 

“So when my friends and I said yesterday that it is our joint responsibility to strengthen the government, it means that we want to strengthen the current government coalition. If we are weak, then the PN government is also weak. 

“It becomes my responsibility to ensure the government of the day is strong, so we can handle these two issues,” he said.