North Korea protests to US over Minuteman III missile test

SEOUL: According to state media KCNA on Friday( Nov 3 ), North Korea vowed to carry out military action while criticizing the United States over a recent intercontinental ballistic missile ( ICBM ) test. Without mentioning the author’s name, a military commentator for KCNA stated in an article that” TheContinue Reading

Malaysian lawyer embroiled in 1MDB saga and MYAirline probe alleges political persecution by PM Anwar

Mr. Rosli declined to comment for this content regarding his detention by the authorities in the MYAirline and i-Serve Online Mall probes. He is currently embroiled in a legal dispute with the SACC over the 1MDB subject.

However, Mr. Rosli claimed that he was a victim of” social harassment” in the ongoing conflict between Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and former top Mr Muhyiddin in an affidasvit filed on Oct. 26 with the Malaysian High Court to challenge the requirements for the 1MDB-related documents during the MACC research.

According to Mr. Rosli, PM Anwar attacked the Muhyiddin state for the write-off of debt at the state-owned farm business Felda Holdings and the 1MDB recovery settlement with the” underlying theme” that the former top and his” friends had plunder the country’s property.”

Mr. Muhyiddin’s social organization, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, is represented by the law firm RDS Partnership, and Mr Rosli represents the former top personally in court as he faces corruption and money laundering charges. & nbsp,

Mr. Rosli served as the government’s legal trouble-shooter during the Muhyiddin premiership and made a significant appearance in some dispute negotiations related to 1MDB. & nbsp,

In his affidavit, he stated that” these political attacks have recently changed focus to target the firm( RDS Partnership ) and I, as I was seen to be the main counsel for the civil cases by and against Muhyidin and Bersatu.”

Mr. Anwar has publicly stated that the negotiations for the US$ 3.9 billion settlement with Goldman Sachs in August 2020 were unsuccessful. The past Muhyiddin-led administration reached this agreement. & nbsp,

Additionally, he has indicated that the government is determined to compel the US banking behemoth to resume negotiations in order to extract additional funds as payment for the crucial role the financial institution played in setting up US$ 6.5 billion in 1MDB securities, which turned out to be complex schemes to steal money.

Along with a Malaysian authorities team led by former finance secretary Tengku Zarul Aziz, who is now the Minister of International Trade in the Anwar authorities, Mr. Rosli participated in negotiations with Goldman Sachs. & nbsp,

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Violent Bangladesh garment protests shut hundreds of factories

DHAKA: Hundreds of garment factories in Bangladesh have shuttered as thousands of workers staged violent protests to demand a near-tripling of their wages, police said on Thursday (Nov 2). Bangladesh’s 3,500 garment factories account for around 85 per cent of the South Asian country’s US$55 billion in annual exports, supplyingContinue Reading

Analysis: Scandals involving Indonesia’s anti-corruption chief a test of Jokowi’s commitment to fighting graft

Another senior official charged with graft was Henri Alfiandi, the disgraced chief of the national search and rescue agency, a non cabinet position but is directly appointed by Jokowi.

His case is still being investigated by the military police, as Henri is an active Air Force general, and it has not moved to trial.

Mr Fickar of Trisakti University said Jokowi must take the selection process of strategic public posts seriously. Equally important is how these positions are monitored and supervised.

“In the case of the KPK, these supervisions must be double or triple the strictness compared to other institutions because the KPK is supposed to be a model of what a clean and transparent public institution in Indonesia should look like,” he said.

“The fact that a person like Firli can get away with so many ethical violations and misconduct for so long shows that there is something wrong with how KPK officials are monitored.”

The KPK is supposed to be scrutinised by a supervisory committee, all five members of which are also vetted and nominated by a presidentially appointed selection committee.

But Mr Kurnia of Indonesia Corruption Watch said the supervisory committee is moving too slowly and its sanctions too weak. 

“Firli is a repeat offender and yet every time he was found guilty of violating the KPK’s ethics code, he got no more than a written reprimand,” he said. 

The committee, Mr Kurnia added, should have been more firm towards Mr Firli, who kept snubbing orders to appear before the ethics tribunal, delaying the committee’s investigation process.

“Firli met a person of interest who was the subject of corruption probe. That is a clear violation of the ethics code. What more (evidence) does (the committee) need?” he said. 

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