How America’s democracy is ‘ripe to be exploited’

A Pew poll finds that while their democratic system is not perfect, most Americans prefer it to one-party authoritarianism. Photo: iStock

Voters in Sweden this month gave a leading role to a far-right party with neo-Nazi roots. Italy is also on the cusp of putting a party in power that has fascist origins. And of course, in the United States, one party has increasingly embraced election denialism and attempted to undermine the legitimacy of the electoral […]

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Understanding Libya’s relentless destabilization

Libya's then President Muammar Gaddafi (left) greets his then French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy at Bab Azizia Palace in Tripoli, on July 25, 2007. Photo: Reuters / Pascal Rossignol

After leading a military coup in 1969, Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi cemented his rule for more than 40 years. A variety of different political ideologies – Pan-Arabism, Pan-Africanism, socialism, Islamic leftism, and others – characterized his leadership, which were further reinforced by a cult of personality. While living standards for Libyans increased under his rule, Gaddafi attracted resentment among some […]

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Who gains most from Nord Stream sabotage?

The US has long opposed NATO’s (especially Germany’s) dependence on Russian, formerly Soviet, natural gas. The United States, in fact, used export controls to block the original Yamal pipeline in the 1980s, believing the threat of a Russian cutoff would alter Europe’s political decisions. As recently as 2018, then-president Donald Trump warned the Europeans at the […]

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New US nuclear sub made for China, Russia war

The US is designing its SSN(X) next-generation nuclear attack submarine in a significant shift from procuring Virginia class SSNs to a new class by the 2030s. The program addresses maintenance woes in its current nuclear attack submarine fleet and reorients US undersea warfare capabilities to great power competition from China and Russia. The designation “SSN(X)” […]

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Abe’s funeral puts a hex on Kishida

Could the ghost of Shinzo Abe reach up from the grave and drag down Prime Minister Fumio Kishida with him? Only in a Japanese horror movie, perhaps – but today’s event is proving to be a nightmare for both Prime Minister Kishida and the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. The state funeral for Abe, Japan’s longest-serving […]

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The many ills plaguing Singapore’s chipmakers

SINGAPORE – Robust demand for Singapore’s electronics and semiconductors during the pandemic fueled the city-state’s fastest economic expansion in over a decade and big-ticket investments in chip-making capacity. Now, the notoriously cyclical semiconductor industry is in the grip of a deepening downturn as geopolitical and inflationary headwinds buffet the global economy.   Chip makers in […]

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Why the West is trumpeting its Ukraine war intel

Intelligence agencies are secretive organizations that generate secret products. Their reports come adorned with reminders to maintain discretion: “Top Secret” this, “Sensitive Compartmented Information” that. Those following former US president Donald Trump’s curious filing practices in Mar-a-Lago will appreciate the significance governments attach to protecting their classified materials and the damage revelations can do. Yet, […]

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China celebrities amplify Beijing’s official line on Taiwan

The Chinese government has a new ally when it comes to pushing its official line on Taiwan: celebrities. Tension over the status of the island, which is claimed by Beijing as part of its “One China” principle, has been exacerbated by a series of recent incidents, including a high-profile visit to the island by US […]

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India called to task over Covid politicization

The high death toll of the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic is a profound tragedy and a massive societal failure at multiple levels, says the latest report by The Lancet medical journal’s Covid-19 Commission. Putting accountability on the World Health Organization (WHO), the Lancet Commission said the UN health body acted “too cautiously and […]

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Vietnam ready for next FDI wave out of China

Foreign immediate investment (FDI) in Vietnam continues to enhance, rising from US$11. 57 billion within July to $12. 8 billion in August 2022, signaling the country’s recovery from Covid-19. The growth is definitely partly due to Hanoi’s consistent efforts to offer a  safe plus welcoming environment  regarding foreign business via Special Economic Areas (SEZs) — making sure companies have access to a nearby […]

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