Beijing’s Li talks reform with bond market push

TOKYO – As China scrambles to stimulate growth, it’s comforting to see Chinese Premier Li Keqiang internalizing – apparently – the works of Milton Friedman. How so? By recalling the Nobel Prize-winning economist’s edict that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste. This week, Li called on local officials in six key provinces to […]

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Keep your money, we’ll keep our nukes, N Korea tells South

SEOUL – Good grief, who would have guessed it, shock surprise! North Korea has turned down South Korea’s offer of game-changing economic aid in return for nuclear disarmament. Forgive our sarcasm. In reality, of course, no peninsula watcher is in any way surprised at the latest tired act in the inter-Korean tragedy. Everything about it […]

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Bihar may have turned the tables for Modi in 2024

“In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it is planned that way.” That famous quote is widely attributed to Franklin D Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States. While he may not have actually uttered those exact words, in today’s era of propaganda-based politics, its sentiment is quite true. […]

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Guam’s missile defenses to get a massive upgrade

The US is set to significantly improve its missile defenses on Guam, fortifying its main forward operating base in the Western Pacific against evolving missile threats from China and North Korea. In a press release this week, British Aerospace Systems announced that it had received a contract from Lockheed Martin to design and manufacture next-generation […]

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Carving up Indonesia’s Papua province

The Indonesian Government’s decision to carve up the sprawling province of Papua into four has been widely seen by its detractors as a strategic move to divide and conquer the rebellious indigenous population living mostly along the central mountain chain. But the leading proponent of the move, President Joko Widodo, who has probably paid more […]

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China’s drills to change US military assumptions

Chinese and foreign media have recently reported that the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a heavyweight think tank in the United States, has conducted scenario planning looking toward war in the Taiwan Strait. Participants included former senior military officers, senior government military and political experts and fellows from think tanks such as the […]

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Japan’s missing nuclear energy policy

Signs from an anti-nuclear protest against the Japanese government in Tokyo. Photo: iStock

The urgent global need to meet climate ambitions, growing uncertainty about securing vital energy resources due to the ongoing Russia–Ukraine conflict and the inability of renewable resources to meet exponentially rising energy demand is bringing momentum back to the nuclear energy debate. Some argue that a zero-carbon future will remain an unattainable dream if nuclear energy is […]

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No easy middle way for Japan on Taiwan

At a time when geopolitical storms are hammering Taiwan’s coast, Japan’s senior national security official met his Chinese opposite number for seven hours of talks in the Chinese city of Tianjin on Wednesday (August 17), Japan’s Kyodo News Wire reported. The development comes amid a newly activist US stance on Taiwan, with two groups of […]

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China-Canada relations come full circle

After a tumultuous period, Sino–Canadian relations have settled into a “new normal.” In September 2021, Washington dropped the extradition request for Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou who was detained in Canada, resulting in her release. This was immediately followed by the release of the Canadian “two Michaels” detained on spurious security charges for 34 […]

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‘Historic presence’ doesn’t justify US conduct in SCS

Gregory Poling of Washington think-tank the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has tried to justify current US policy and conduct in the South China Sea by detailing its historic “investment” there. Although he has publicly admitted his bias by stating that it is his job “to advance the interests of the United States,” it is not in […]

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