China bond rally shows US Fed what’s at stake

TOKYO – Naturally, US Federal Reserve officials act with the best interest of the American economy in mind. Yet the actions of US Fed Chairman Jerome Powell and his team are playing into China’s hands in unexpected and impactful ways.

Case in point: The outperformance of China’s sovereign bonds, which in August grabbed the top spot in global performance rankings.

The immediate explanation is a widening policy divergence between the Fed and the People’s Bank of China (PBOC). But between the lines are growing indications that the trajectory of Fed interest rates may be a short-term positive but a long-term negative.

Right now, the Fed’s war on inflation is sending the dollar soaring at the worst possible moment for economies from Latin America to Europe to Asia.

The yen’s transcending 140 to the dollar for the first time since 1998 is the most recent ominous milestone. That follows the euro’s return to 20-year lows. This chaos isn’t confined to the top-three currencies, as evidenced by the Indian rupee about to hit 80 to the dollar.

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US hanging fire on Australia’s nuclear subs

In the latest blow to Australia’s ambitious plans to acquire nuclear-powered submarines, overstretched US and UK shipyards may not be able to supply Canberra with the boats within the decade as outlined in the three sides’ AUKUS agreement, according to reports in late August. At a recent Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies seminar, US Navy […]

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Russia weaponizing gas to turn Europe against Ukraine

Russia is using its dominance of the European oil and gas market, where it accounts for 40% of EU gas consumption, to attempt to reduce support for Ukraine. To ramp up that pressure ahead of the winter, Russia has closed off the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Germany from August 31 to September 3 – […]

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Iraq heading for civil war; US must not take advantage

Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr was one of the big winners in the Iraq election. Photo: AFP/Haidar Hamdani

Ten months after Iraq’s pro-Iran bloc was soundly defeated in parliamentary elections, and less than a week after Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr announced his retirement from political life, a stalemate between Shiites who oppose Tehran and those who support it seems to be leading the country toward civil war. Yet this is only half the story. […]

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China spiking Indonesia’s offshore oil and gas risk

JAKARTA – After unilaterally extending its territorial claims into Indonesia’s Economic Exclusion Zone (EEZ), China has yet to respond to plans by British oil company Harbour Energy PLC to pipe newly-discovered natural gas from its Tuna block across the maritime border into Vietnam’s offshore network. Harbour discovered the Tuna field in 2014 and was in […]

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India needs Mandal 2.0 to become a global power

A young Indian demonstrator holds a placard at a rally in New Delhi, in protest over a spate of assaults against Muslims and low-caste Dalits by Hindu vigilantes in India. Photo: AFP

“Every man who repeats the dogma of [John Stuart] Mill that one country is not fit to rule another country must admit that one class is not fit to rule another class.” These were the words of the father of the Indian constitution, B R Ambedkar. Social justice in India is a vast and ancient topic. In […]

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What Wolf Warrior II tells us about China & Africa

The 2017 Chinese film Wolf Warrior II has been a runaway success – even though it contains controversial expressions of Chinese nationalism and racist stereotypes of Africans. It is one of the most commercially successful Chinese movies, having grossed over US$800 million at the Chinese box office. Only Star Wars: The Force Awakens has performed […]

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Bangladeshi PM’s India visit to provide a positive spin for S Asia

World leaders have begun to hold what are now called “offline” meetings to return to the “normal” ways of conducting diplomatic relations where personal chemistry remains the key to success. So after the whirlwind six-hour visit by President Vladimir Putin on December 6, New Delhi will be hosting next week (September 5-8) a four-day visit […]

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Russia’s challenge to US dominance in the world’s seas

The Main Naval Parade commemorating the 326th anniversary of the Russian Navy took place on July 31 in St Petersburg and Kronstadt. It was part of the country’s Navy Day, and other parades took place in Russian naval bases in Vladivostok, Baltiysk, Severomorsk, and Kaspiysk. The main parade was attended by the supreme commander-in-chief, Defense Minister […]

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Is Russian weaponry mainly junk?

The Ukraine war has revealed many serious weaknesses in Russian warfighting equipment.  The staggering loss of tanks and armor, the failure of the Russian air force to enforce air superiority over a comparatively tiny Ukrainian adversary and the sinking of the Moskva flagship of the Russian Black Sea fleet illustrate the Russian military’s many war […]

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