Questioning China’s ability to actually fight – Asia Times

China’s government may be modernizing quickly, but its ability to fight on the front lines in a possible battle with the US and its allies may be hampered by deep-rooted architectural flaws, political power, and a lack of battle experience.

Last month, the RAND Corporation think tank released a report questioning the combat readiness of China’s People’s Liberation Army ( PLA ) despite its breakneck modernization.

RAND contends that while the PLA boasts world-class weapons and the largest navy in the world, it prioritizes upholding Chinese Communist Party (CCP ) rule over actually preparing for war.

The report makes attention to structural issues, such as promotions based on merit over loyalty, intellectual training over combat realism, and unified decision-making that prevents battlefield adaptability.

RAND uses the Russo-Ukrainian War, which is ongoing, and the Sino-Vietnamese War from 1979 to compare the PLA’s development to historic examples of military might failing to ensure battlefield success. The document suggests China’s military reforms remain sluggish and imperfect, emphasizing deterrence and social control over functional effectiveness​.

A split RAND statement examines the PLA’s double issue of demographic change and development. The PLA has a considerably larger children pool than the US, despite China’s declining population raising long-term issues. However, efforts to get wealthy talent are hampered by poor selection incentives, insecure service conditions, and competitors from the private market.

Social restrictions, such as military company’s low social status and a conscription-based unit, further aggravate China’s military development. Despite significant assets, the PLA struggles to match Chinese President Xi Jinping’s perception for a world-class war. RAND suggests that China may need to reevaluate its military theory and power structure if recruitment issues persist.

While RAND criticizes the PLA’s unified command structure, Chinese military doctrine emphasizes philosophical cohesion and social oversight, which the Constitution views as a plus as a plus.

Payton Rawson explains that China’s two command structure in the PLA combines military and political management to maintain State control in a November 2023 article for The Strategist.

According to Rawson, the structure includes a party committee, political commissar, and political organizations to support party leadership, stop corruption, and ensure alignment.

He points out that the advantages include a stronger political base, a lower chance of military coups, and a unified command that coordinates military actions with party objectives. However, he notes that this system may hinder decision-making speed and innovation.

However, emphasizing the PLA’s dual command system’s perceived shortcomings, lack of combat experience and recruitment problems risks underestimating China’s military modernization.

The PLA compensates using advanced simulators, provides realistic Blue Force ( BLUFOR ) opposition in training scenarios and integrates AI into military decision-making processes.

Despite these advancements, using technology as a substitute for combat experience could only lead the PLA so far, as simulations can never fully recreate a combat zone. AI is no substitute for human judgment as it lacks self-awareness and accountability. The institutions and processes that make up the PLA must be used to convert that experience into operational and strategic advantages.

Those challenges may stymie the development of a professional non-commissioned officer (NCO ) corps, which provides experienced, independent lower-level leadership in Western militaries.

In response, China is developing a “made-to-order” NCO corps focusing on technical skills essential for the PLA. It offers a stable career path and invites young people with the appropriate qualifications to enroll in the program. China’s military may train NCOs with technical expertise, but whether they can lead under fire is another question.

China has also hired outside talent, notably former NATO fighter pilots, to train its air force. These former NATO service members can still teach their Chinese counterparts sensitive tactics, techniques, and procedures ( TTP ) despite not piloting the most recent Western combat aircraft.

They still think like their active-duty counterparts and may help refine Chinese pilots ‘ on-the-fly decision-making skills and mission planning.

China uses cognitive and information warfare to achieve “victory without gun smoke,” in addition to using technology, focusing on technical skills, and employing outside talent.

Josh Baughman describes how China’s cognitive warfare strategy focuses on controlling perception and decision-making in a January 2023 article for the China Aerospace Studies Institute ( CASI) to avert direct military hostilities.

Baughman points out that China’s cognitive warfare strategy works both during and during wartime, utilizing psychological flaws like fear and misinformation to undermine the resolve of its allies. He says it integrates military, political, economic, and technological tools, using AI and social media to shape narratives and public perception.

He points out that China prefers to win conflicts through psychological means rather than purely military force by controlling events and defining events.

However, China’s cognitive warfare may have a limited effect on a population inoculated against such, as shown by the results of Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential elections, where state and civil society actors worked effectively to “pre-bunk” and discredit such efforts.

Additionally, Koichiro Takagi mentions that the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War supports kinetic combat arms like airpower, infantry, artillery, and armor in a July 2022 War on the Rocks commentary. Takagi also contends that decisive physical battles determine wars, not just cognitive positioning or positioning of forces.

While cognitive warfare shapes adversary perceptions, its limitations in actual conflict underscore the PLA’s reliance on external military observations, such as the Russo-Ukrainian War, for operational insights.

Being able to observe others ‘ trials and errors without being directly involved in a conflict, allows China to learn from them. This approach can result in mature, ready-to-absorb TTPs and operational and strategic lessons that could be contextualized according to China’s unique requirements.

M. Taylor Fravel mentions that China’s assessment of the Russo-Ukrainian War teaches important military lessons for a potential Taiwan conflict in an October 2023 article for The Washington Quarterly.

First, Fravel says Russia’s failure to achieve a swift victory underscores the difficulties of large-scale operations, especially in complex joint-force engagements like an amphibious assault on Taiwan.

Second, he notes that Russia’s battlefield failures reveal the dangers of centralized command and rigid leadership structures, pushing China to refine decision-making flexibility.

Third, Fravel says Ukraine’s resilience suggests Taiwan may not capitulate easily, forcing China to prepare for prolonged conflict.

Fourth, Fravel points out that the US’s involvement in Russian intelligence cooperation and coalition-building raises doubts about a similarly retaliatory military exercise, which might give China a sense of strategic surprise.

Lastly, he says Western sanctions on Russia reveal China’s economic vulnerabilities, incentivizing efforts to insulate its economy.

Despite its high-tech ambitions, China’s military remains unproven in actual combat. If war comes, it won’t be China’s gadgets determining the outcome—but rather the soldiers controlling them.

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Chinese crime gangs holding Thai tourism hostage – Asia Times

Beijing and Bangkok are attempting to stop Chinese citizens from conniving and kidnapping them in Thailand, which is making Foreign citizens anxious to cancel their travels to this increasingly violent and dangerous country.

In January, Thai Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra said,” I have instructed safety companies to raise the level of protection for visitors.” Two prominent Chinese disappeared in Thailand and emerged from Myanmar. ” Tourism is the region’s main source of income. I don’t want it to become affected”.

In a failed attempt to persuade Ms. Paetongtarn to give money to Hong Kong, scammers also imitated President Donald Trump’s words.

Organized crime gangs from China reportedly influence Thailand’s interior ministry, police, and immigration department to find long Thai visas, invest in property, work nightclubs, marriage Thais, smuggle drugs, and use this somewhat easygoing Southeast Asian country as a sensual sanctuary, officials said.

Americans are estimated to have lost US$ 3.5 billion to” China-origin criminal networks” operating internet scams from Southeast Asia during 2023, the Washington-based US Institute of Peace ( USIP ) said.

In a report on Southeast Asian transnational crime with a focus on Chinese-dominated transnational crime, USIP stated that” the United States and China are ] the two most severely affected victims of the online scamming industry.”

To people the unlawful computer call centres in Myanmar, innocent Chinese and other countries are lured to Thailand by offers of high-paying work including accommodation, food, and other perks, according to Chinese officials.

After the survivors arrive, they are supposedly grabbed, smuggled over the frontier, and enslaved in heavily guarded materials, they say.

In Myanmar, people are forced to use the internet to steal people abroad through elaborate “pig butchering” schemes known as” sha zhu pan,” which are carried out in length, elaborately, “pig butchering” schemes.

Scammers con people into giving them money to gangs by luring them to simple profits, genuine passionate love, or different rewards.

Most scam locations are in Myanmar, a war-torn region also known as Burma, but some are even in Cambodia, Laos and abroad.

In Myanmar, they are hard to shut down because swindlers are based in places held by minority cultural rebels fighting for independence or freedom along France-sized Myanmar’s eastern, northern, and western boundaries.

They are supposedly protected by crime and bribes in Cambodian cities like Sihanoukville and Poipet, and they are based there.

According to prosecutors and safety personnel, the majority of the operations are carried out by Chinese groups with bases in China. The figures of swindlers and victims are astounding.

” Over 70, 000 suspects were arrested and more than 160 patients were rescued during the joint Activity Seagull by Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam between August and December 2024″, China’s government-controlled Global Times reported on January 21.

In Myanmar,” the 30-some-odd compounds which are there, are all trafficking people and keeping people enslaved”, USIP Burma ( Myanmar ) country director Jason Tower said in an interview in July.

Prime Minister Paetongtarn, however, declined to name the unusual leader’s speech which scammers faked in a January telephone call to her.

Her parents, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, said the group cloned President Trump’s tone. ” The tone was very clear, and I recognized it immediately”, Paetongtarn said according to CNN. The scammers “probably used Iot to fake the words”, she said.

” They second sent a message tape, saying anything like,’ How are you? I want to work up,’ and so on. They sent another speech message asking for a payment, saying,’ You are the only state in ASEAN that hasn’t donated still,’ emphasizing it. I was taken aback for a moment before I realized something was wrong.

Online scams are now a serious threat to both individuals and the public’s confidence in the digital economy, which necessitates concerted efforts to combat, she said following the phony phone call.

A charming female scammer allegedly demanded money from Thailand’s deputy prime minister and interior minister Anutin Charnvirakul by claiming that he had exhausted his credit card and needed to transfer funds to maintain its validity.

” She had a nice voice, so I talked with her for about an hour. I guess she didn’t know who I was,” Anutin, who also oversees the police, said on January 16.

When Chinese actor Wang Xing vanished across the border into Myanmar on January 3 and fled to Thailand, his well-known case frightened fans and Chinese tourists, giving Thai and Chinese security officials a new urgency.

They found Wang four days later appearing gaunt, with his head freshly shaved, along the Thai-Myanmar border at Mae Sot town. He reportedly told authorities that he voluntarily flew from China to Bangkok to meet a Chinese man who had promised Wang an acting position in Myanmar.

Instead, he was forcibly trafficked to Myanmar, and he allegedly faced enslavement at a con artist’s house before being freed in vain.

The]Thai] prime minister said on January 13 that despite the discovery of the Chinese actor who vanished in Myanmar, this incident had an impact on Chinese tourists ‘ confidence, according to a spokesman for the government of Thailand Jirayu Huangsub.

” Following Wang’s rescue…a group of over 400 netizens in a WeChat]app] group in China were also discussing how to rescue their relatives,” Global Times reported on January 9.

Yang Zeqi, a Chinese model, vanished on December 29 while on a trip to Tak province in western Thailand, where he had been offered a job in a movie production along the Thai-Myanmar border. Yang reappeared to China a month later without giving a formal account of his ordeal.

” The general public must be vigilant, strengthen their own safety precautions, and avoid blindly trusting offers of high-paying jobs overseas to avoid falling into scams and telecom fraud traps,” China’s Public Security Ministry warned.

Chinese robberies or disappearances in Thailand also result in significant financial losses for Thais.

Tourism accounts for almost a fifth of all employment in this Southeast Asian nation, which suffers from uneven development and income inequality, and accounts for about 12 % of gross domestic product ( GDP ).

In January, senior Thai police met with Thai Embassy officials in Bangkok to plan searches for their fugitives in Southeast Asia.

The problem of Chinese scammers using Thai territory is also being tackled by Thailand’s Anti-Money Laundering Office, the National Cyber Security Agency, the Thai Bankers ‘ Association, mobile telephone operators and others.

Beijing has spent years offering economic, military, and diplomatic support to Bangkok, and the two nations share close multi-generational bonds.

” We will handle this issue with care to minimize impact on tourism,” Thailand’s Tourism Minister Sorawong Thienthong said.

Thai tourism officials have been tasked with monitoring Mandarin-language social media for news, gossip, and chatter about Chinese tourists in Thailand and their experiences.

The Association of Thai Travel Agents reported that the news has been significant in China.

Due to recent safety concerns involving Chinese citizens and fans visiting Thailand, Hong Kong singer Eason Chan Yik-shun canceled his February 22 Bangkok concert, according to his management.

Chinese criminals who travel to Thailand have also committed significant, audacious robberies.

For example, a Chinese man and woman flew into Thailand on last year, stole a US$ 28, 000 diamond and gold bracelet from a Bangkok shop, and flew out of Thailand two-and-a-half hours later.

A wealthy Chinese businessman was targeted by a gang of Chinese armed with knives and weapons in August, tied him up in his lavish Bangkok residence, and forced him to deposit$ 2 million in cryptocurrency into their account.

A Chinese crime thriller film titled” No More Bets “in 2023 portrayed a Chinese couple trafficked to an unnamed Southeast Asian country’s scam center to commit cybercrimes.

Due to the horror of the film, there were only 3.5 % of Chinese tourists to Thailand in the year due to a real decline in the number.

Thai officials expressed their concern about” No More Bets” to the Chinese ambassador to Thailand, Han Zhiqiang, emphasizing none of the crimes depicted in the film occurred in Thailand.

Cambodia and Myanmar banned the movie over fears that it would damage their respective nations ‘ reputation among tourists and foreign investors because Cambodia and Myanmar have many of the most illegal connivancement locations.

Chinese criminals, meanwhile, are diversifying and experimenting with artificial intelligence and other high-tech.

According to the state news agency China Daily,” The fraudsters have sped up creating new schemes to trick people of all ages, engaging in different professions, and having different academic backgrounds.”

” They are using emerging technologies, such as blockchain, virtual currency, and artificial intelligence to upgrade their tools, “it said, reporting an international crackdown by China’s Public Security Ministry.

Since 1978, Richard S. Ehrlich has been a foreign correspondent reporting from Asia from Bangkok. Excerpts from his two new books”, Rituals. Killers. Wars. &amp, Sex. — Tibet, India, Nepal, Laos, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka &amp, New York “and” Apocalyptic Tribes, Smugglers &amp, Freaks “are available here.

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China building world’s biggest military base in prep for US war – Asia Times

China’s People’s Liberation Army ( PLA ) is reportedly building a new command center in the capital, Beijing, that, upon completion, will be at least 10 times larger than the US Pentagon.

Financial Times&nbsp, said&nbsp, that the design of the mega-sized service, which has been widely reported in&nbsp, mainstream&nbsp, advertising, has raised concern among American intelligence firms, which think Beijing is preparing for a large-scale or perhaps nuclear conflict. &nbsp,

The initiative under development is on a 1, 500-acre page 30 kilometers south of Beijing, according to the FT report, newly-analyzed dish images revealed. The photographs showed at least 100 crane operating over a five-square-kilometer place.

According to the report, military experts believe the facility will house high-level bunkers to protect the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s ( CPP ) leaders in the event of a major conflict. It claimed that midway through the 20th century the hospital had been constructed.

According to some, the project’s name,” Beijing Military City,” may eventually become the largest military command centre in the world. &nbsp,

FT reported that security guards blocked writers who attempted to travel near the building site. The blog is a military-related place, according to a local business owner. &nbsp,

The document coincided with US President Donald Trump’s contact for building an wide, next-generation” Iron Dome” missile defence weapon for the island US. The weapon, which will cover many more ground than Israel’s, may be designed to deflect intercontinental ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles. &nbsp,

As China observes the Chinese New Year on January 28 through February 4, the country’s Foreign Ministry has yet to respond to the FT review and Trump’s Iron Dome system. &nbsp,

It is no mystery, however, that China now has nuclear tanks and underwater military command centers. In 2017, China Central TV reported that the PLA’s control office in Xishan in west Beijing is 100 feet beneath. According to the statement, PLA soldiers have been directing military exercises that since 2013.

” Our land adopts an active security strategy”, Qian Qihu, a Taiwanese military expert, told CCTV in an interview in August 2022. ” As we don’t fire the first shot, we need to protect ourselves from our enemy’s first attack, then we can fight back”.

” Our corporate arms must be fully protected. We may be able to keep ourselves safe from any of the enemy’s problems, including nuclear hits”, Qian said. ” As the army’s methods of attacks continue to evolve, our protection techniques also need to develop. And we shouldn’t rely on just one security tactic.

After graduating from Harbin Engineering University in 1961, Qian was transferred to the Soviet Union’s Kuybyshev Military Engineering Academy, which is now known as the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Federation, to analyze military architecture and geography.

In Kuybyshev ( also known as Samara before 1935 and after 1991 ), Qian learned how the Soviet Union constructed a vault in 1942 for its supreme leader Joseph Stalin.

The service, 37 meters below the surface, was aimed to get Stalin’s other military command offices. However, it was never used by Stalin, and it even served as a 1990s visitor attraction.

After China successfully tested its first hydrogen weapon in June 1967 with the help of the Soviet Union, Qian led China’s growth of nuclear-resistant properties. &nbsp,

As the West developed large artillery projectiles ( MOP) capable of destroying targets hundreds of meters below the surface, Qian led a team of researchers to style underground tanks in the 1980s.

Today, the United States ‘ GBU-57A/B MOP may reach 60-meter-thick plaster and as far as 200 feet underground. &nbsp, &nbsp,

Hsu Yen-chi, a researcher for the Taipei-based Council on Strategic and Wargaming Studies, told the media that the Beijing construction project is more like an operational body or a sizable training facility than a radioactive basement.

In fact, the Army has previously located a location close to where it would build its atomic basement. &nbsp,

In January 2018, Qin Dajun, a lieutenant scientist at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, told the South China Morning Post that Chinese analysts found a solutional bunker suitable for building a nuclear-resistant basement.

He said the large stone cave, located at the Xishan Forest Park, 20 km southwest of Beijing, has a healthy water supply. He said the grotto is 2, 000 feet beneath, compared with the degree of 2, 200 feet of Krubera Cave in Georgia.

Qin made his remarks after North Korea defied Beijing’s orders to examine its nuclear weapons in 2017. &nbsp,

Even if the CCP has the resources and a heavy cave to construct a nuclear basement, according to some observers, it would not be wise to cover all gathering leaders in a single location during a war. &nbsp,

Canada-based Chinese critic Wen Zhao&nbsp, says&nbsp, on his YouTube channel that when a war breaks out, CCP officials may disguise in different areas to improve their success chances. He claims that a mega-military command center will trigger more enemy military assaults than usual. &nbsp,

In fact, some other observers predicted that CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping would relocate to Xian in Shaanxi during the war because the city’s high mountains and missile systems make it safe for the city. &nbsp,

In 1900, when the troops of the Eight-Nation Alliance, led by the US, France and Germany, marched into Beijing, Qing Empress Cixi fled to Xian, where she claimed to enjoy hunting, and stayed there for a year.

Yong Jian contributes to the Asia Times. He is a Chinese journalist who specializes in Chinese technology, economy and politics. &nbsp,

Read: Why China’s Ice Silk Road has Trump up in Arctic arms

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Will DeepSeek deep-six the US economy? – Asia Times

By selling technology companies to immigrants, America has financed a current account deficit that soared to US$ 1.2 trillion in 2024. Tech stocks, however, are trading at valuations not seen since 2000, when the NASDAQ Composite began a descent that wiped out 75 % of its market capitalization by 2002.

If expectations deteriorate regarding synthetic intelligence’s ability to generate revenue, was a technology crash lead to a financing crisis for the United States? The question of the January 27 collision in AI-related stocks in response to less expensive and more effective Chinese rivals still lingers. Every capital investment in the world pays close attention to these issues.

Graphic: Asia Times

Europeans stopped buying US debts of all kinds – Treasury, loan, and business – after the post-Covid prices of 2021 and the Federal Reserve’s subsequent rise in interest rates. That signaled the end of a 40-year bulls industry in US securities. From a 1981 peak of 15 %, the US 30-year bond yield fell in a nearly straight line to an August 2020 low of just 1.41 %.

The inflationary wave of 2021-2022 put an end to this bull work. In March 2022, moreover, the US and its allies seized half of Russia’s$ 600 billion in foreign exchange reserves, prompting other central banks to shift away from US Treasury securities to gold and other assets.

However, the world’s appetite for American tech stocks has been stagnant for the past ten years, which was rekindled by the development of Large Language Models ( LLMs) last year. Are raised valuations for AI-related shares justified? Which two aspects affect how quickly and which industries are most likely to make money from AI?

China’s DeepSeek R1 type appears to have made a model performance discovery: tale layout and related improvements reduce the amount of processing required by one or two orders of magnitude.

DeepSeek, also, offers its unit at a small fraction of the price that its US competitors then charge. That is not always detrimental to the overall US tech sector. If China has a better systems, US companies may choose it speedily, and lower costs for AI simulation does benefit the users of AI models.

US and China compete in seven distinct subcategories of AI uses. China leads most of them, and its Artificial skills are likely to strengthen it. They are

  1. Manufacturing: China has poured huge resources into stock technology. One test is the number of companies outfitted with devoted 5G systems, which support AI applications. China claims 10, 000 for installations, while the US has only a few hundred, concentrated in the automobile industry. The benefit is enormously advantageous for China, and breakthroughs in AI are likely to help. However, US production has had a small influence on equity valuations.
  2. Internet of Things: China is back in simplifying vehicles and warehousing, with entirely mechanical stores now in operation.
  3. China is now a major manufacturer of professional computers, installing more industrial computers each year than the rest of the world combined.
  4. China leads the so-called low level market, which was first cited by federal planners in a December 2024 working papers. Drone taxis, drone deliveries, and other applications are currently a$ 100 billion industry in China, and they are projected to double by 2026.
  5. Autonomous cars: We’ll call this a toss-up between the US and China, although China now has autonomous car companies operating on a smaller scale.
  6. Huge Language Models: afterwards, a toss-up. The Philippines ‘$ 40 billion call center business, which saw the most potential gain from AI systems, includes the gains made by LLMs. However, at this point, there are no guarantees that Bachelor applications will be approved for all of their possibilities because they are so varied and extensive.
  7. Biotech: The US has a distinctive advantage with a powerful medical development system. China has a direct in health statistics, but America’s advanced of large pharmaceutical companies, businesses and venture entrepreneurs give it an edge.

The big question is about LLM’s timing. Although the payoff might be significant, it may not be as quick as anticipated.

LLM deployment in the enterprise still has little to do with organizational performance and human adaptation ( management buy-in, workflow adjustments, etc. ). seems to be years away. Cost savings for specific categories of expenses, such as call centers or repetitive coding tasks, may be easily realized. However, the development of AI for higher-skill work is still in its infancy.

What does this mean for Nvidia’s chipmakers? On the assumption that Nvidia GPUs will provide a lot of this activity, one could argue a bullish case for Nvidia based on all of the AI sectors listed above. However, this hypothesis requires closer scrutiny of Nvidia’s competitive advantages.

Nvidia has a greater advantage in computation when training language and vision models, but less so when inference ( running the resulting models to get useful results ) is at its disposal. Notably, Huawei’s Ascend AI chips already perform fairly well with the new DeepSeek models, with comparable or even better cost performance than the weakened Nvidia H800s ( the weakened Nvidia chip that was cleared for export to China ) &nbsp.

Additionally, the case that the top US tech companies ( the so-called Magnificent Seven ) will control equity returns going forward is much weaker than the market is currently perceptive of it. If we are right, and tech market valuations shrink to some significant extent, what are the macroeconomic implications? Key capital flows are more dependent on a small number of very large companies than at any other time in US history.

Let’s say foreigners reduced their purchases of tech stocks as the value of the stocks declines. The United States would need to sell more bonds to both domestic and foreign investors to pay off its current account deficit and federal budget deficit. The chart below shows the amount of new Treasury debt bought by US banks, US households, foreign official institutions, and foreign private investors, respectively.

Banks stepped in and reabsorbed the$ 4 trillion in Covid subsidies that were funded by the Treasury debt, but by 2023 they had exhausted their savings deposits. Households, who were drawn to the higher interest rates on Treasuries, saw the biggest increase in new investment in Treasury securities. Additionally, foreign private investors decreased their Treasury holdings. &nbsp,

A full-blown financial crisis is most unlikely. The cash-burning dotcoms of 2000 have been replaced by cash-rich monopolies like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon and Meta. By offering higher bond yields to domestic and international investors, the United States can adjust to an air-pocket in the demand for its tech stocks.

However, the DeepSeek shock exposes flaws in Big Tech’s core strategies as well as in the stratospheric valuation of its best-performing stocks. The outcome is likely to be a combination of persistently higher interest rates, slower growth, a decline in wealth, and strong economic headwinds.

Graphic: Asia Times

The S&amp, P’s technology sector, correspondingly, trades at a P/E of 37, compared to an overall P/E for the S&amp, P 500 of 26. That accounts for the largest portion of the difference between the lofty valuations of American stocks and those of European, Japanese, and Chinese stocks.

Graphic: Asia Times

A brass-tacks gauge of equity valuation is the free cash flow (FCF ) yield, namely the ratio of cash income to market price. Investors accept less current income because they anticipate higher income in the future, the higher the FCF is expected to be. For the S&amp, P 500 as a whole, FCF is below 3, a level not seen since the eve of the tech stock crash of 2000.

Graphic: Asia Times

For a monopoly like Microsoft, the free cash flow yield has fallen to just 2, the lowest on record.

Graphic: Asia Times

Between 2020 and 2024, Big Tech invested more than double in capital expenditures, and it is still investing heavily in AI-supporting data centers. The DeepSeek shock raises questions about the viability of these plans economically: If Chinese developers can create cutting-edge models using innovative model architecture designs, the raw computing power under development could be significantly overvalued.

Graphic: Asia Times
Graphic: Asia Times

To entice price-sensitive buyers into the Treasury market, the US government—still running a record peacetime non-recession deficit of 6 % to 7 % of GDP—probably will have to offer higher yields. That’s a problem for the economy and also a problem for the Treasury, which is already paying$ 1 trillion a year in interest, nearly quadruple the service cost of America’s national debt in 2020.

It also puts a headwind in front of the US economy for interest-sensitive activity, particularly housing. Longer-term, the US runs the risk of an Italian-style spiral, in which the rising cost of debt service eats away at the budget and limits what the federal government can do to support the economy.

Steve Hsu is professor of theoretical physics and of computational mathematics, science, and engineering at Michigan State University, and the founder of several AI startups. Follow him on X at @hsu_steve. David P. Goldman serves as Asia Times ‘ deputy editor. Follow him on X at @davidpgoldman

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The profundity of DeepSeek’s challenge to America – Asia Times

The DeepSeek artificial intelligence ( AI ) system from China poses a significant challenge for America, which raises questions about the US’s overall strategy in dealing with China. DeepSeek offers creative alternatives that begin from a strong point of origin.

America believed that by monopolizing the use and development of complex computers, it would always ruin China’s technological progress. In fact, it did not happen. The creative and resourceful Chinese discovered engineering solutions to cross British restrictions.

It set a law and something to consider. We will see why it may happen with any upcoming American technologies. That said, American tech remains the opener, the force that opens fresh borders and perspectives. &nbsp,

Difficult straight competitions

The issue is rooted in the modern “race.” If the contest is purely a straight game of modern catch-up between the US and China, the Chinese—with their brilliance and vast resources — may maintain an almost overwhelming benefit.

For instance, China produces nearly four million engineering graduates annually, which is nearly twice as many as the rest of the world combined, and has a large, semi-planned economy that you concentrate resources on pressing needs in a way that America can’t even compare. &nbsp,

Beijing has thousands of engineers and billions of dollars to spend without the need for quick financial results (unlike US businesses that have market-driven responsibilities and expectations ). Therefore, China will probably always catch up to and overtake the latest National improvements. It does near the technology gap that the US creates. &nbsp,

Beijing is not required to look for advances anywhere in the world or use resources to promote development. In America, all the empirical work and economic spend have already been completed.

The Chinese you see what works in the US and invest money and top talent in specific projects while putting a rational bet on minor improvements. Even without taking into account potential industrial espionage, Chinese innovation will take care of the rest. &nbsp,

China will always have to get up, though America may continue to be the inventor of new discoveries. The US might complain,” Our technology is superior” ( for whatever reason ), but the price-performance ratio of Chinese products could keep winning market share. This could lead to a push on US businesses ‘ markets, and America could find itself struggling to compete as a whole, even to the point of losing. &nbsp,

It is not a comfortable situation, one that might just change drastically on either side. In horizontal terms, there is already a “more smash for the buck” active, similar to what caused the USSR to fail in the 1980s. Nowadays, however, the US dangers being cornered into the same hard place the USSR when faced. &nbsp,

In this framework, easy modern “delinking” does not suffice. It does not suggest that the US should abandon its delinking guidelines, but something more detailed might be required. &nbsp,

Tried technology detachment&nbsp,

In other words, the concept of natural and straightforward scientific detachment may not work. America and the West are more in need of China. There must be a 360-degree, defined strategy by the US and its friends toward the world—one that incorporates China under certain circumstances. &nbsp,

If America succeeds in crafting such a technique, we may see a medium-to-long-term platform to avoid the risk of another world battle. &nbsp,

China has perfected the Japanese&nbsp, kaizen&nbsp, type of progressive, marginal changes to existing systems. Through&nbsp, kaizen&nbsp, in the 1980s, Japan hoped to beat America. Due to poor business choices and Japan’s firm development model, it failed. But with China, the story may vary.

China is no Japan. It is larger ( with a population four times that of the US, whereas Japan’s was one-third of America’s ) and more closed. The Japanese yen was fully convertible ( though kept artificially low by Tokyo’s central bank’s intervention ) while China’s present RMB is not.

But the historical parallels are impressive: both Japan in the 1980s and China now have Earnings about two-thirds of America’s. Also, Japan was a US military alliance and an open society, while nowadays China is both.

For the US, a distinct effort is then required. To expand world markets and proper spaces, which are the focus of US-China conflict, it may create integrated alliances. China now recognizes the value of bilateral and international space, in contrast to Japan’s 40 years ago. Beijing is attempting to establish its own ally with the BRICS.

While it struggles with it for many causes and having an alternative to the US dollar global position is farfetched, Beijing’s new global focus—compared to its history and Japan’s experience—cannot get ignored. &nbsp,

A new, included growth model that expands the population and workforce are in line with the United States may be proposed by the US. It may strengthen connectivity with allied nations to create a area “outside” China—not obviously angry but distinct, porous to China only if it adheres to clear, clear rules. &nbsp,

This wider scope would help counteract America’s socioeconomic and human resource imbalances, increase British power in general, and foster international cohesion.

It may change the individual and financial resources used to support the current technological race, influencing its outcome in the end. &nbsp,

Bismarck inspiration&nbsp,

For China, there is another traditional law —Wilhelmine Germany, devised by Bismarck, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Back then, Germany imitated Britain, surpassed it, and turned” Made in Germany” from a mark of shame into a symbol of value.

Germany became more educated, free, forgiving, democratic—and even more intense than Britain. Without the anger that precipitated the demise of Wilhelmine Germany, China had the freedom to choose this course. &nbsp,

Does it? Is Beijing prepared to be more accepting and open-minded than the US? In theory, this could allow China to beat America as a modern greeting. However, for a design clashes with China’s traditional legacy. The Chinese empire has a tradition of” conformity” that it struggles to escape. &nbsp,

Is the US bring friends closer together without alienating them, in the US’s case? In principle, this way aligns with America’s advantages, but concealed problems exist. The American dynasty now feels betrayed by the globe, particularly Europe, and reopening relationships under new guidelines is complicated. A revolution president like Donald Trump might want to try it. Did he? &nbsp,

The US, China, or both must change in this manner for the sake of peace. If the US unites the world around itself, China may be isolated, dried up and turn inside, ceasing to be a danger without damaging battle. If China opens up and democratizes, a core reason for the US-China conflict dissolves.

If both reform, a new global order could emerge through negotiation. &nbsp,

This article was originally published on Appia Institute, and it is now licensed for resale. Read the original here.

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Trump’s meme coin is a boldfaced cash grab – Asia Times

Donald Trump unveiled a video gold, a type of crypto whose value is fueled by social media and internet tradition rather than any form of functionality or intrinsic value, just days before his inauguration as president.

The coin, which is officially known as$ Trump, briefly climbed into the top 15 cryptocurrencies by market cap and attracted over a half-million investors.

A reporter asked Trump if he would remain selling items that would benefit him privately while serving as president in a press event on January 21, 2025, making reference to the penny.

” You made a lot of money ]on$ Trump], sir”, he told Trump, who seemed indifferent to its meteoric rise in value.

” How little”? Trump asked. ” Some billion dollars, it seems like, in the last few days”.

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Donald Trump is questioned about the success of his brand-new image gold.

Over the following week, various publications claimed the meme coin had “ballooned]Trump’s ] net worth” making him a” crypto billionaire“.

Trump may have a lot of money from the image gold and his other crypto ventures, but the claims that he himself make a lot of money off of it are exaggerated.

Interesting wealth or purloin?

Meme cash gained popularity in 2013 with the release of Dogecoin, which its authors intended as a prank and parodied the numerous different apparently pointless cryptocurrencies that were popping up at the time. It was never supposed to be a common purchase. The creators also made an effort to make it as unattractive as possible to make sure it wouldn’t.

It is still among the top ten cryptocurrencies a year later and has inspired the release of thousands of different image coins.

In 2025, it’s cheaper and easier than ever to build and industry these currencies. For instance, all it takes to create a fresh gold on the website Pump. enjoyment is a brand, ticker symbol, information, image and the equivalent of about US$ 5 worth of cryptocurrency.

Moonshot, the blockchain change that Trump’s image gold site roads interested buyers to, allows users to sign up in as little as 10 days. The Trump penny and a number of other image coins are then available to them.

The majority of new image currencies are questioned. Some are outright ripoffs. For example, in August 2024 the Instagram accounts of McDonald’s was compromised to sell a joke gold named$ Grimace in a smile to the fast-food company’s colored symbol. The coin’s authors cashed out near to$ 700,000 after deliberately increasing the price.

There are numerous different scam pennies that fly under the radar by utilizing the same formula: create excitement, pump the cost, and dump on buyers.

Looking under the helmet

So how much does Trump and his affiliates really benefit from his new image gold and, more broadly, the “free-for-all” approach his administration is taking toward the crypto business?

I dig deeper into the Trump image coin and examine the gray area between involvement and abuse in bitcoin markets.

A joke gold offering’s” tokenomics,” which describes the predetermined number of units of its source, how that provide is distributed, and how much of it the inventor receives keeps, can be used to determine whether it is a fraud. The makers can sell for more money the higher the share of the source is allocated to them.

Creater currencies were originally intended for developers to fund their startups, according to media studies expert Lana Swartz. However, with meme coins, which generally don’t make any claims about building anything, they do exist to benefit their creators and, possibly, fund continued marketing of the coin.

The majority of Trump tokens are distributed to its creators on a three-year distribution plan, in contrast to Dogecoin, which adopted a” fair start” strategy, meaning that its creators didn’t give a percentage of the first coins to themselves before allowing others to trade it.

In fact, 80 % of the coin supply will be distributed to the coin’s creators over the course of three years. In other words, the tokenomics of the Trump meme coin were created so that its creators could gradually sell off their substantial supply without significantly affecting its value. They can do it slowly rather than quickly lift the rug from under investors ‘ feet.

None of this is hidden because the Trump meme coin’s tokenomics are prominently displayed on the coin’s website.

Notably, the coin’s creators won’t start receiving any of the supply until March 2025. The amount of profit they can expect will be determined by future prices. At the time of this writing, the Trump meme coin was down roughly 60 % from its peak.

Who are these creators anyway? The various layers of limited liability companies behind the project are obscuring which individuals stand to gain, as detailed in fine print on the$ Trump meme website.

Presuming Trump is one of these creators, the president technically doesn’t have an allotment of the supply to cash out – not until March, at least. So, no, Trump didn’t make billions from the coin. However, he still has the potential to steal millions of dollars from unintentional investors.

Judging by the spike in crypto exchange downloads over the weekend of the Trump coin’s launch, it attracted many new, and likely novice, speculators. Coins like these, which can significantly devalue in a matter of hours, can be agonizing introductions to the world of investing.

This isn’t the first time Trump has tried to make a killing on crypto, either. Since 2022, he has already made millions off the sales of five nonfungible token launches, which are essentially digital trading cards.

Have fun!

The final words of Trump’s meme coin announcement on Truth Social on his social media platform Truth Social sum up how his administration will approach the crypto industry over the coming four years:” Have fun!”

Trump signed an executive order on January 23 that included a number of decrees intended to make the United States the” crypto capital of the world.”

Venture capitalist David Sacks has been appointed as the group tasked with reforming the stringent rules governing the crypto industry. Sacks has made adage about his personal crypto investments on his podcast, and he has invested in various crypto-focused businesses.

In a recent Fox Business interview, Sacks was asked if he thought Trump’s meme coin was a conflict of interest. He said no, suggesting that the coins should be thought of as” collectibles” akin to” a baseball card or a stamp”.

YouTube video

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David Sacks, Donald Trump’s crypto czar, sees little issue with Trump’s crypto investments.

Notably, the$ Trump website also refers to the tokens as” cards” and “memes”, rather than coins. They may be used as tokens of pure amusement rather than as serious investment vehicles with hopes of profit as a result of this attempt to avoid legal trouble.

However, a number of Congressmembers have already requested an investigation into the Trump meme.

One thing is unmistakable no matter how you define Trump: The coin’s structure has been set up to smuggle money from retail investors for at least the next three years. As long as the value of it is maintained, regular speculators can still make money off of it. That’s basically a gamble.

Trump could benefit enormously from a looser regulatory framework as he begins to accumulate a stockpile of various cryptocurrencies through his other venture, World Liberty Financial.

Fun indeed.

Maximilian Brichta is doctoral student of communication, University of Southern California

This article was republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Fretful of Trump, Philippines floats missile compromise with China – Asia Times

Manila is at the middle of a political wind where shifting alliances and great-power rationality could make or break its regional interests due to the Philippines ‘ high-stakes bargain of offering to reduce US medium-range missiles in trade for China’s restraint in contested waterways.

In response to last month’s reports from various media sources, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. had suggested a quid pro quo arrangement with China to get rid of the US Typhon missile system if China stopped its anger in the South China Sea.

Marcos Jr, responding to Chinese requirements for the projectile system’s removal, highlighted China’s weapon features, emphasizing that China’s army far surpasses the Philippines ‘.

He claimed that he would give the Mod missiles to the US if China stopped its territorial claims, harassment of Asian fishermen, and sea battles, including ramming, water cannoning, and laser-targeting Philippine vessels.

Prior to mutual training, the Philippines will receive training with the US Typhon weapon system. A new squad from the Philippine Army Artillery Regiment will be trained in the program during the course of the training.

In 2024, the US conducted joint martial exercises, but the Typhon program has remained in the Philippines as a result of rising tensions with China. The technique, which was recently relocated to an unknown location, includes Tomahawk and Standard Missile-6 weapons that can strike pieces of island China.

China has criticized its appearance and accused the Philippines of promoting local unrest and waging an arms race. Philippine Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro dismissed China’s complaints, calling them meddling in regional affairs.

The Philippines must balance asserting its sovereignty with maintaining its alliance with the US, with Marcos Jr’s striking position. It’s uncertain whether China will take a constructive approach to Marcos ‘ present.

The Philippines is at the centre of a two-level political game, one that involves territorial disputes with China and the other that is affected by internal social rivalries, due to the endless deployment of the US Typhon missile system.

China views the rollout as a weakening walk in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait, while the US views it as part of its missile walls isolation approach against China.

However, the Marcos-Duterte conflict threatens to destroy the Philippines ‘ pro-US tilt. China reportedly supports the Trump political clan, which was supported by Vice President Sara Duterte and former president Rodrigo Duterte, to weaken Marcos Jr.’s administration, potentially jeopardizing upcoming US military exercises there.

For solid statements may only serve to mask fears of US abandonment under the following Trump administration, despite Marcos Jr’s latest strong rhetoric against China.

Given that the Philippines perhaps lose US$ 500 million in military help, Asian defence officials and experts in international policy are eagerly awaiting the Trump administration’s place on China. Their positions range from a more assertive protection, a wait-and-see strategy, and diversifying collaborations to a negative view of the US selling the Philippines to China.

The Trump government’s attempt to delay US international support for 90 days, pending a review to decide whether such initiatives make the US safer, stronger, and rich, presents a significant challenge for continued US aid to the Philippines.

The Philippines ‘ poor economic performance raises questions about whether it can finance expensive military equipment like multi-role fighters ( MRF ) or submarines, which have been on its wish list for decades, or even fulfill its ambitious plans to purchase the US Typhon missile system.

The Philippines ‘ justification for declaring its intentions to purchase Typhon may be to increase its strategic value to Trump-affiliated players in the US defense-industrial base, keeping the Philippines on the US’ radar. However, the US typically restricts the sale of the multimillion-dollar-per-unit Tomahawk and Standard Missile-6 to higher-tier allies such as the UK, Japan and Australia.

It is also doubtful that the Philippines ‘ alternative defense partners, such as Japan and Australia, have the diplomatic, economic and military clout, much less the willingness, to confront China over the Philippines ‘ South China Sea claims.

While US Secretary of State Marco Rubio has assured the Philippines of its “ironclad” support of the US-Philippines 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty ( MDT), the statement sounds more like boilerplate to calm Philippine fears while maintaining the US’s non-committal attitude about publicly supporting the latter’s South China Sea position.

In a commentary for the Cato Institute in December 2021, Doug Bradlow asserts that the Philippines is irrelevant when it comes to the US’s defense and that its attempts to evade US security guarantees are of little use to US strategic interests.

In contrast to Bradlow’s assertions, Raymond Powell in the South China Morning Post (SCMP ) argues for continued US military support for the Philippines, which is a treaty ally and a key component of US efforts to contain China in the First Island Chain.

Bradlow points out that while US military access to Philippine bases is always beneficial, no Philippine president would permit the use of the nation’s territory for US military operations against China, aside from in the event of an improbable attack on the Philippine archipelago.

According to Bradlow, the Philippines would become a permanent adversary of China’s geographical proximity. He also mentions the Philippines ‘ political unreliability and its military prowess as reasons to support US forces.

Donald Trump’s softer words toward China in his first term may suggest that he has become more pragmatic and focused on upholding US supremacy while avoiding a conflict with the rival superpower.

Andrew Byers and J Tyler make reference to the Trump administration’s transactional and pragmatic stance in a December 2024 article in the peer-reviewed journal Survival that the US might start to” cooperation spiral” with China by reducing its military and weapons presence in the Philippines and allowing the China Coast Guard (CCG) to reduce operations near disputed Philippine territory in the South China Sea.

Andreas Kluth mentions in an opinion piece for Bloomberg that Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Trump all have an imperialistic streak driven by “might make right” logic rather than conflicting ideologies.

According to Kluth, if the US, China, and Russia disagree on how to divide the world into spheres of influence, as they did at the 1945 Yalta Conference, it will undoubtedly lead to war and end smaller nations like the Philippines that are caught in the middle.

In a world like this, the US might decide to sell out the Philippines once it realizes that expanding its sphere of influence to China’s doorstep is not worth a major conflict, especially not over the Philippines, which, despite sharing some democratic values, is arguably of little strategic value to US interests.

Should that happen, the Philippines could revert to its Duterte administration-era appeasement stance toward China at the expense of its territorial integrity, writes Jenny Balboa for East Asia Forum.

According to Balboa, such a scenario could sever Marcos Jr.’s political fortunes and dynasty. She mentions that Marcos Jr.’s goal is to persuade Trump that both Trump and the Philippines would benefit from supporting the Philippines and standing up for China.

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Trump, Putin and Xi as co-architects of brave new multipolar world – Asia Times

The Soviet Union’s decline and America’s current collapse have amazing connections. The Soviet Union was a failure because it marginalized the business community. Due to the ruling class’s marginalization of the working class, which has caused serious financial disparity and political polarization, the United States is faltering.

In his first name, Donald Trump resembled Boris Yeltsin, the destroyer of the ancient purchase. Trump may imitate Vladimir Putin’s playbook, a nationalist developer focused on home matters and rebuilding its business center, in his second term.

You Trump and Putin, along with China’s Xi Jinping, become the co-architects of a new multipolar world get?

Russia and the United States have more in popular than they would like to say. Both nations were born from revolutions against European empires and were founded on humanitarian political ideals ( freedom and social equality, respectively ), as American futurist Lawrence Taub noted in the 1980s. And both expanded by retaking control of the land by aboriginal peoples in the 19th century.

Additionally, both the US and Russia both have federated political systems and are generally European in origin. Although both have multiethnic populations, they are dominated by a single group ( WASPs in the US, Russians in Russia ) culturally, economically, and politically.

Cowboys and Russian

Alexis de Tocqueville and, more recently, Paul Dukes, in his book” The Emergence of the Super-Powers” ( 1970 ), also drew parallels between Russia and the United States.

According to Dukes, they had until recently held the view that it had a present life, a global goal, and that the other was the main impediment to its accomplishment. Also, they had the Cowboy/Cossack mystery and a connected inclination to see all political and religious issues in straightforward, black-and-white terms.

Both locations are powers with power attitudes. They are huge in size, close in people, and related in culture, temperate zone location and terrain. Both countries have substantial arms stockpiles and have decades of space exploration experience.

In the 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev visited China under Deng Xiaoping. Deng successfully incorporated bourgeois concepts into the socialist system of China, promoting economic growth while preserving the Communist Party’s position of authority.

Gorbachev aimed for a similar transformation through perestroika ( economic restructuring ) and glasnost ( political openness ). He lacked the political will and administrative balance to carry out his vision, though.

His laws, in contrast to supervised reform, accelerated social fragmentation and economic decline, which led to the Soviet Union’s abolition in 1991.

In 1989, Mikhail Gorbachev and Deng Xiaoping pose with the Great Hall of the People. Image: Public Domain

The reforms that were carried out by Gorbachev opened the door for Yeltsin, a nationalist who capitalized on popular unpopularity with socialist rule. Alternatively of refining communism, Yeltsin dismantled it.

By scrapping Communist Party power, Yeltsin aimed to change Russia to a Western-style politics and marketplace economy. The end result was widespread corruption, common poverty, and the unregulated increase of elites, who consolidated their wealth at the expense of the Russian people.

It paved the way for a president who reimposed attempt and reclaimed Russia’s independence.

Putin’s fresh get

Clinton permitted the oligarchs to rule Russian scheme, but Vladimir Putin reined them and established state control. His method combined nationalism, financial control and, specifically, national independence, which had been under risk during the Yeltsin years.

Russia reaffirmed its position on the global stage under Putin, utilizing its military and energy resources to challenge European dominance. Although his autocratic strategies were contentious, he helped to restore Russia’s post-Soviet state’s standing as a powerful force.

Lenin speaks from atop a Russian tank in front of the pro-Trump protesters occupying Washington’s Capital on January 6, 2021, challenging the status quo. Image: Public Domain

In contrast to the Soviet Union, there is no such person as Gorbachev, a powerful leader who is valiant enough to press for structural reform.

In the midst of the 2008 financial crisis, Barack Obama had the chance to apply reform. But, rather than pushing architectural changes, Obama bailed out Wall Street. This choice exacerbated the economic inequality and fueled the nationalist uprising that precipitated Trump’s ascendancy.

Trump’s first president bore resemblance to Yeltsin’s career. Both officials disrupted the political creation, challenged entrenched leaders and thrived on nationalist rhetoric.

Trump’s second expression was marred by chaos, administrative collapse, and an emphasis on restoring the old order. His policies—such as trade war, deregulation and a target on nationalism—reflected a broader dismissal of the post-Cold War crony discussion.

Trump is now attempting to impose himself on the state machinery in his next term, much like Putin did in Russia.

Despite their similarities, but, Trump and Putin are different in their interactions with the super-rich. Putin, upon consolidating energy, curbed the effect of Russia’s elites, ensuring that the condition remained strong.

By comparison, Trump aligned himself with America’s wealthiest leaders, securing help from the super-rich who benefited from his tax laws and reform plan. The construction of the American political system—where corporate effect is greatly entrenched—makes a fundamental change doubtful.

Putin was able to organize energy in a way that Trump, constrained by British institutions and legal systems, may get difficult to replicate.

Toward a unipolar universe

A walk beyond superpower conflict and toward a unipolar world has become all but inevitable for many reasons, among them the conflict in Ukraine, the formation of BRICS, the US president’s unsustainable debt and China’s growing economic, scientific and political clout.

China is the world’s largest industrial producer and trading center. Red imports from China are more common than those from Germany or the US. Map created by&nbsp, reddit user creeper321448

When Trump and Putin solve the Ukrainian crisis, they will have an opportunity, in consultation with China, to go down in history as the co-architects of a multipolar world. The three countries could create a 21st-century-appropriate global order.

Capitalist and socialist ideologies, the two main political ideologies of the 20th century, are unique in China. The nation arguably lifted a billion people out of poverty by using 10, 20, and even 50-year plans, took the lead in most of the Industry 4.0 technologies that will shape the 21st century, and became the world’s indispensable industrial and trading nation.

With the Deng reforms of the 1970s, the Chinese rediscovered their 2, 500-year-old tradition of reconciling (yin-yang ) opposites, the basis of the Confucian Middle Way. Xi Jinping, the premier of China, will be able to serve as a mediator between Trump and Putin by presenting Confucian wisdom that has been updated for the twenty-first century.

Don’t be a capitalist or collectivist, be both

Don’t be a nationalist or globalist, be both

Don’t be a realist or idealist, be both.

Contrarian Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu, who criticized the dangers of being firmly reliant on a fixed identity, belief, or worldview, could be quoted by Xi.

Without praises, without curses,

Now a dragon, now a snake, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp,

You transform with the times.

And never give in to being by one thing.

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Too late, US Commerce nominee calls DeepSeek a technology ‘thief’ – Asia Times

Howard Lutnick, the candidate for the US Commerce Secretary, has accused DeepSeek, an AI company based in Hangzhou, of stealing US technology and bypassing US export controls to receive expensive Nvidia chips. &nbsp,

Lutnick claimed that because it had access to a sizable supply of Nvidia chips and could take data from Meta’s open system, DeepSeek may make its AI models “dirt inexpensive” during the election hearing with the US Senate on January 29. &nbsp,

” I take a really jaded view of China”, he said. They only consider themselves and attempt to harm us, so we must defend ourselves. We need to pull our creativity, and we need to cease helping them. DeepSeek can rely on Meta’s empty platform because it is available. Nvidia’s cards – which they bought lots of, and they found their way around ]export handles ] – drive their DeepSeek design. It’s got to stop”.

Lutnick promised to coordinate and give the Bureau of Industry and Security ( BIS )’s export controls authority to stop China from using American tools in a US market place.

Beijing is celebrating the Chinese New Year from January 28 to February 4, but it has so far no responded to Lutnick’s responses. &nbsp,

Former PayPal CEO David Sacks, an expert on AI and cryptocurrency issues for the White House, claimed there was” substantial information” that DeepSeek drew data from Microsoft’s OpenAI designs for its own use. &nbsp,

IT specialists said “distillation” or&nbsp, “knowledge distillation” is widely used in Artificial education. It is a method by which output from a larger AI unit are used to teach and enhance a smaller one.

DeepSeek, in this process, can be understood as a student who keeps asking questions to a competent teacher, for instance ChatGPT, and uses the responses to fine-tune its logic. At some point, DeepSeek will be as bright as ChatGPT. &nbsp,

The “distillation” process requires far less processing power than what OpenAI has used to teach ChatGPT. &nbsp,

According to OpenAI, it had seen some proof that DeepSeek may have accessed its information through “distillation,” according to the Financial Times. It criticized DeepSeek for breaking its intellectual property.

Some Chinese IT experts agree that DeepSeek was created through “distillation” .&nbsp,

Wang Zhiyuan, a Beijing-based IT journalist, writes in an essay that it’s clear DeepSeek V-3, released on December 26, 2024, had used the “distillation” approach in education. He claims that he came to that conclusion after examining the DeepSeek features. &nbsp,

He claims that many other Chinese AI types have used distilled information from the released on September 12th, 2013, ChatGPT o1. He claims that a group of Chinese experts published an academic report on November 25, 2024, that has already thoroughly described the extraction process and its performance.

He claims that a distilled data AI model may not be able to answer quite challenging questions but is sufficient to solve high school-level issues. In his opinion, all little AI models may develop distilled information before entering the market.

” Don’t laugh at those who took a short-cut”! Wang says. ” DeepSeek employed a unique approach to conserve computing power. After all, its education value is just US$ 5.58 million, 1.1 % of US$ 500 million of Meta’s Llama 3.1″.

A group of DeepSeek experts published a report on January 22 after the release of the DeepSeek-R1 on January 20, 2025, in which they claimed its most recent AI design achieves performance similar to ChatGPT-o1.

They said the training of DeepSeek-R1 used the distilled data from Alibaba’s Tongyi Qianwen ( Qwen ) and Meta’s Llama. They said the DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Qwen type outperforms ChatGPT-4o. &nbsp,

50, 000 H100 cards? &nbsp,

DeepSeek said it used just 2, 000 models of Nvidia’s H800 cards to teach its AI design. Before the US outlawed the export of the cards to China in October 2022, its caregiver High Flyer, a Taiwanese hedge fund, claimed it had amassed a swarm of 10,000 A100 cards. &nbsp,

But then Lutnick suspects that DeepSeek bypassed the US trade controls by importing high-end Nvidia cards via third-countries, such as Singapore. &nbsp,

The Wall Street Journal reported last July that some shady establishments in Singapore paid Chinese pupils to take the A100 bits back to China. &nbsp,

Without providing any evidence, Alexandr Wang, chief executive of the US-based Scale AI, told CNBC that DeepSeek has 50, 000 models of H100 bits, the most advanced Nvidia cards on the market.

Xiang Zhiping, a Hubei-based IT poet, finds that realistic. ” It’s no surprise if DeepSeek has 50, 000 H100 cards. Xiang claims that any Taiwanese internet company may have accumulated a lot of Nvidia cards. &nbsp,

Even if DeepSeek has a lot of chips, he claims, it will still use technology and modern IT frameworks to win the game rather than relying on outdated hardware to increase technology power indefinitely. &nbsp,

The US banned the export of A100 and H100 cards to China in October 2022, and then the slower A800 and H800 cards in October 2023. After this, Nvidia tailor-made the even-slower H20 cards for the Foreign businesses.

The Biden presidency made a regulatory framework known on January 14, 2025, that would enact a ban on imports of American AI devices and designs. The foundation became effective on January 31. &nbsp,

Some observers claim that the device ban’s gradual increasing gave China too much time to build premium AI cards.

Yong Jian contributes to the Asia Times. He is a Chinese columnist who specializes in Chinese technologies, economy and politics. &nbsp,

Read: Beijing calls Biden a’ phony’ and says dear to Trump

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Real murders behind hit novel Butter exposed Japan’s media misogyny – Asia Times

Japan, 2009. It is a sunday in August. A person is spotted lying in the back seats of a rental car in a parking lot in Saitama, a provincial capital, about 30 kilometers north of Tokyo. Yoshiyuki Oide is his brand. It turns out that he’s not having a rapid sleep – he’s dying.

His suicide is primarily thought to be a murder, and the produce is carbon monoxide poisoning. But the officers are no convinced, but they knock on the door of the female Oide had been dating, 35-year-old Kanae Kijima. The research into what had come to be known in the internet as the” Konkatsu killer” situation has just begun. The name derives from konkatsu, meaning relationship looking.

Data from the investigation led to the discovery that Kijima may have killed three people she met on dating websites. Initial reports of suicide were false, but all three murders were later determined to be fabricated. Kijima, who has always maintained her innocence, was found criminal in 2012 on the basis of what was commonly accepted to be anecdotal evidence, mostly due to the court’s agreement. She was sentenced to death. The decision was upheld in successive panders, and she is now on death row awaiting murder.

Kijima’s circumstance was equivalent to that of Chisako Kakehi, who died in prison on December 26, 2024, while under sentence of death. After a court determined that she had entrapped and swindled money from three men ( including her husband ), she had been found guilty of murder and fraud, and she had been sentenced to the death penalty. She had also been found guilty of murder and fraud.

But there was also a unique feature to Kijima’s case. Numerous media outlets have been paying attention to the defendant’s appearance since the beginning rather than the terrible nature of the crime. How could a girl described as “ugly and overweight” maintain to draw these people, according to versions on the same problem in common boards, newspapers, and magazines?

There was a rumor that her success was due to her “homely” traits, which are thought to be the myth of plump women as being cheery, nurturing, and excellent cooks. It was suggested that men may choose for a woman’s comfort and kindness over a fashionable woman’s “air of superiority”.

Someone who has been given the death penalty in Japan typically vanishes from the public attention. However, Kijima kept a site where she detailed her lifestyle and relationships, and continued to blog entries that during and after the trial, perhaps through her attorneys. She continues to write about a variety of topics, including the types of cookies that are available in the confinement facility and the conditions on the death row. She also offers nutritional advice and reflections on the lay judge experiment in Chinese legal procedure.

Kijima pushed up, but the media eagerly mined her posts to dispel myths about gender roles and look. She has used her thoughts to highlight these biases in her analysis of the legal evidence in her sharp criticism of the emphasis on her looks and sex.

Telling the story

Cover of Butter by Asako Yusuki
The case’s fictionalized accounts raises questions about Japanese women’s stereotypes. google/books

For her book Butter, author Asako Yuzuki used Kijima’s event as inspiration to create a hypothetical tale. A journalist who is covering the case of a lady murderer is sucked into her swirling fascination with butter and generous food, exposing sexism and fat-phobia in Asian society.

Kijima, who has published both a narrative and a debut novel, wrote on her blog to express her profound dissatisfaction with the publication of the book, writing,” What Yuzuki and the editor are doing is nothing short of fraud. They are complicit in murder if they violate external communication rights, not only thieves. I truly believe this book is crass because they continue to use my title without permission.

But, when I interviewed her, artist Yuzuki insisted that, more than the details of the crime, she was interested in the relevance of Kijima’s circumstance, in how the Chinese media frequently sensationalize tales.

Chinese media frequently reflect the viewpoint of strong men. … This discovery was pivotal for me. Prior to that, I hadn’t really considered elections or discrimination in the internet or had much questioned it. However, it hit a muscle when it came to something I adore – eating.

Stereotypes and societal objectives

In her guide, Yuzuki queries some deep-seated Chinese stereotypes – especially around people and eating. She says that the concept of “marriage looking” is also popular in Japan, and women who love cooking are generally labelled as “domestic” or “obedient”.

But, in her practice, people excited about eating is far from obedient. Cooking is potent, in contrast, and a person experienced in the kitchen could just as quickly hurt someone as she could hydrate them. ” There’s a fine line between caring and risky precision”, she told me.

Social media have grown to be a powerful tool for protesters and poets like Yuzuki to interact with others and increase their voice. She has joined other writers in advocating for marginalised groups, including physical immigrants, highlighting the intersectionality of problems such as gender, class, and criminal justice.

Through the writings of writers including Yuzuki and through the Kijima event, the Kijima event offers a strong representation on the impact of political expectations regarding sex and demeanor. Through the facts, Kijima’s blog posts from prison, and through the work of writers including Yuzuki, the Kijima case is a rich source of inspiration. Beyond the question of guilt or innocence, it demonstrates how female criminals are criticized for their deeds as well as for breaking the rules of femininity.

This dual scrutiny coincides with historical biases in Japan, where women who challenge societal norms are frequently portrayed as dangerous outliers. Kijima’s portrayal as an unconventional femme fatale evokes the 19th-century trope of “poison women” – dofuku. This portrays women as obliterating forces that ruin the lives of those who live there.

The death penalty was only used once in 2022 and not at all in 2023, so it appears to be a method of exemplary justice. Many Japanese people believed she had murdered many people while disobeying conventional expectations for femininity.

The case has reinforced the idea that her crimes extended beyond the courtroom to the realm of societal betrayal.

Martina Baradel is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford on the Marie Curie.

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