Mekong communities brace for climate struggle

Mekong communities brace for climate struggle
the Mekong River’s banks in the province of Nakhon Phanom. ( Pattanapong Sripiachai, photo)

According to Surasee Kittimonthon, secretary-general of the Office of National Water Resources( ONWR ), six nations along the Mekong River have vowed to combat climate change.

He claimed that on September 10 and 13, the ONWR represented Thailand at the discussions of the 18th World Water Congress and the 3rd Lancang-Mekong Water Resource Cooperation Forum in Beijing. Senior officials from six Mekong – Lancang Cooperation ( MLC) member nations, including Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand, were also present at the meetings. The Mekong River feeds 326 million individuals in those nations and is 4, 880 kilometers long.

According to Mr. Surasee, the meetings were held to discuss technology and knowledge as well as to present the results of projects supported by an MLC particular fund. The meetings also provided updates on the development of the participant countries’ Mekong-Lancang water management assistance concept trade.

According to Mr. Surasee,” Thailand stressed the significance of the cooperation between member countries in water source control through every system of society, including state agencies, secret and civil society sectors, or even women and youth organizations to address the impact of climate change such as flooded, drought, and an increasing demand for new water.”

According to him, Thailand has put forth a water management strategy based on its 20-year masterplan to manage water sustainably in accordance with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

In order to improve data sharing about source operations on the Mekong’s water flow, water release, and solutions to lessen the effects of drought or flooding along the areas in the countries upstream of the river, he added that the member countries had also agreed to have the first stage of their mutual study.

He declared that research would be conducted by a mutual professional team. Additionally, a combined Lancang-Mekong study will be conducted to examine the effect on communities along the river.

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Villagers petition PM over land policy

Chiang Mai: A group of racial Karen people in the Doi Saket city petitioned the government on Sunday to end a forest land management plan because it is detrimental to their way of life.

During Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin’s visit to the North on Sunday, cultural people from Ban Huay Pha Tuen and Yom Ban Doi from the tambon Pa Miang area of the Doni Saket district submitted their request. & nbsp,

The group requests that the National Land Policy Board’s ( NLPB ) policy on forest land management be repealed, along with a cabinet resolution from August 3, 2010, that fully recognizes the rights of ethnic groups in Thailand, as well as the Prime Ministers’ Office regulation on land and natural resources management.

The villagers run the risk of losing the property that has been given to them by the NLBP in order to support themselves, according to the group.

Even before the latest forest land control system was developed, the villagers have lived on forest lands for generations.

” Under the NLBP’s maxims of forest land management, the rights of individuals to live in a forest area are just not recognized.” We are requesting a group property title deed for this reason, the group stated.

Tribal villagers will be able to carry on living and preserving their cultural way of life thanks to community land deeds.

According to the group, the NLBP’s so-called Green Economy policy, which would increase the number of trees in forest areas by 40 % in particular, needs to be abandoned because it benefits investors more than the local villagers.

The group also demanded an apology from the government for enacting for difficult policies that violated tribal peoples’ human rights.

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Myanmar woman arrested with empty M16 cartridges

Myanmar woman arrested with empty M16 cartridges
On Saturday, a Myanmar person in the Sangkhla Buri district of Kanchanaburi had her M16 newspapers, loaded with ammunition, and boxes containing 920 unfired cartridges taken from her. ( Image: Piyarat Chongcharoen)

KANCHANABURI: On Saturday, a Myanmar girl was detained in the northern province’s Sangkhla Buri district on suspicion of possessing 24 magazines containing M16 ammunition as well as 920 empty cartridges.

After being informed by company employees that a brownish package containing items thought to be bullets had been discovered at the office, police hurried to Moo 2 community in tambon Nong Lu, Sangkhla Buri area. The team claimed to have seen the materials when they peered through a hole into the package.

Peerapol Pannaree at home No. 241 at Moo 2, tambon Nong Lu, was the recipient of the package. A receiver by the name of Porntip( no last name ) sent it from tambon Nong Sak in the Ban Bung area of Chon Buri province.

Officers discovered 18 boxes inside the package, each containing 50 rounds of ammunition and one container holding 20 sessions. What they initially believed to be bullets, however, were actually 920 clear M16 weapons cartridges. Along with four journals containing 30 shells of M16 weapons each, 20 magazines with 20 rounds each were also discovered in the package.

The authorities ordered company employees to deliver the package to the house while they watched from a distance in order to catch the device. A female emerged to pick up the package around 7 o’clock. She was taken into custody and interrogated at the police place.

The girl identified herself as Porntip, a 13-year-old illegal immigrant from Myanmar of Mon ethnic origins.

She claimed that the package was not hers and that she had just seen it left in front of the house when she went outside to appear.

The person may become detained for additional questioning, according to the police. She was immediately accused of possessing weapons without authorization and entering and remaining in the country illegally.

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PM Srettha vows to eliminate speed pills

PM Srettha vows to eliminate speed pills

Srettha Thavisin, the prime minister, declared that his administration would end the misuse of chalk supplements during its term and that measures would concentrate on swiftly seizing the assets of drug dealers.

While overseeing the burning of 25 kilograms of drugs on Sunday in Samut Prakan state, the excellent secretary made the announcement. Chalk pills weighing 12 tonnes, crystal meth weighed 11 tons, and 418 kilograms of cocaine were among the illegal drugs that were destroyed from finalized cases.

According to Mr. Srettha,” Narcotics issues have been on the government’s federal mission since its formation.”

According to him, the government would do everything in its power to lessen the issue of illegal drugs during its first year in office, and chalk capsules would vanish during that time.

In his capacity as prime minister, Mr. Srettha stated that” I lead the coalition of work from all organizations and people to solve the problem, and I did keep monitoring improvement.”

” This government will stop using meth tablets, and the issue must be resolved within a month.” At the cocaine burning occurrence, the prime minister declared,” I will kill all of them, like what you see now.”

He asserts that the swift arrest of drug dealers’ assets and the prompt damage of seized drugs may be effective solutions.

Drug dealers will be financially sound enough to continue their narcotics business if regulators take too long to seize their assets, according to Mr. Srettha.

Drug traffickers need to be dealt with aggressively. These individuals are thieves, and they shouldn’t just be locked up. The loss of their possessions is what they fear the most. The prime minister said,” I ask organizations to seize their property as soon as possible and not to let them become transferred easily.”

Drug addiction treatment, substance abuse prevention, and the eradication of drug smuggling will all be additional solutions.

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Govt urged to ban stubble burning

Govt urged to ban stubble burning
In the state of Nonthaburi, a fireman tries to put out the flames in the rice field in April. ( Image: Pattarapong Chatpattarsill )

According to Thai Food Mill Association ( TFMA) Pornsil Patcharintanakul, the Europeon Union( EU ) has begun to enforce the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism ( CBAM ), which allows for a price to be put on the carbon emitted during the production of carbon-intensive goods entering the EU. To reduce CO2 emissions, Thailand should outlaw the burning of stubble from corn and other crops.

The PM2.5 sand, which has affected Thailand’s northeastern region, according to Mr. Pornsil, is a regional issue. He claimed that a large portion of the polluting debris is imported from nearby nations. Whether the areas in the neighboring nations are caused by crop using or fire is unclear. So, he added, government-to-government cooperation is required to address this issue.

Thailand had put an end to this exercise in the nation before it can request that other nations stop the burning.

Thailand does not already have a ban on straw burning. He claimed that it has only requested that farmers refrain from burning the straw for a specific amount of time.

According to Mr. Pornsil, it is now time for Thailand to outlaw all burning activities in accordance with the Good Agricultural Practice ( GAP ), a certification system for agriculture that specifies the steps that must be taken in order to produce food for consumers or further processing that is safe and wholesome using sustainable methods.

The government’s food production process will reduce CO2 emissions as a result of the ban.

The CBAM, which enables a price to be placed on the carbon emitted during the production of carbon-intensive products that are entering the EU, has been implemented by Thailand’s major trading partner, the European Union. He explained that Thailand must adhere to the GAP common as a result.

Thailand exports meal on a regular basis. Thai food exports does become subject to a rate adjustment under the CBAM if carbon emissions interfere with the food production process.

Thailand’s food industry and the market as a whole may be impacted, and Thailand had run the risk of losing competitiveness in the global market.

He claimed that in order to offer solutions to the danger, the TFMA has requested a conference with the minister of crops.

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14 policemen to face charges over dinner party murder

14 policemen to face charges over dinner party murder
Praween Chankhlai, a former regional administrator in Nakhon Pathom who has been charged with the murder of an officer of the highway police, was depicted in the background image during the board conversation on police reform that took place on Sunday. He was at his home early this month. Apichart Jinakul( picture )

According to police, 14 police officers will be charged with dereliction of duty in connection with the murder of a bridge police officer at the home of an ex-local executive in Nakhon Pathom state early this month.

The 14 police officers were unable to assist two soldiers who were shot at a party on September 6 at Praween Chankhlai’s home in Muang area, according to assistant federal police chief Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn on Sunday.

Pol Maj Siwakorn Saibua, a 32-year-old bridge police inspector who eventually passed away from multiple gunshot wounds, and Lt. Col. Wasin Panpee were the victims. Both fell under the second section of the Highway Police.

Seven non-commissioned officials, deputy police investigators, and officers colonels who are station chiefs were among the 14 police officers who were charged.

On September 6, Mr. Praween, 35, held a celebration at his home in tambon Takong when the deadly shooting occurred. According to reports, approximately 30 officers attended the event.

Early reports claimed that Pol Maj Siwakorn turned down Mr. Praween’s demand at the party to promote his nephew, a bridge police officer. Finally, Pol Maj Siwakorn was the target of several close-range photos from a gunman who was near to Mr. Praween. Pol Lt Col Wasin was hit and hurt by a number of errant shots.

Police at the group did not apprehend the guman and Mr. Praween but rather allowed them to leave the scene, which caused widespread outrage.

Later, the shooter passed away in an extra-judicial dying. Officials from various organizations have since been looking into Mr. Praween’s business affairs after he turned himself in as a suspect in the case.

Earlier, Pol Gen Surachate claimed that information retrieved from CCTV machines at Mr. Praween’s home revealed misleading claims made by a number of party attendees.

For removing the machines from the home and tossing them into the water, a adjustments official was fired and nbsp.

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Most believe some state officials serving influential figures: Nida Poll

According to a nationwide opinion survey by the National Institute of Development Administration, or Nida Poll, the vast majority of people think that some state leaders, including officers, serve and protect mafia-style influential figures in the nation.

In order to gather their opinions about the relationships between people with black control and state officials in Thai society, 1, 310 people aged 18 and older from across the nation were interviewed over the phone on September 12 and 14. These people came from a variety of educational backgrounds, occupations, and income levels.

When asked about mafia-style influential people in their provinces, 49.54 % responded that there aren’t any in the area where they live, 26.34 % pointed to local politicians, 15.9 % kamnan( tambon chiefs ), 5.4 % chairmen and members of community committees( 2.44 %), 0.76 % mass media and those involved in entertainment, and 0.8 % said they have no answer or were uninterested.

When asked if they would dare to disagree with powerful people, 60.30 % said no, 16.34 % said they wouldn’t, 12.75 percent said yes, 9.08 % would possibly do that, and 1.53 percent no response / not interested.

Finally, when questioned about their convictions that some police and state authorities served as mafia-style significant figures’ servants and protectors. 59.77 % of respondents said” yes” very frequently, 26.49 % said it moderately, 8.32 %” no” but not entirely certain, 4.35 %” definitely ,” and 1.07 percent said they had no answer and were uninterested.

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Most believe mafia control some police, politicians: poll

Most believe mafia control some police, politicians: poll
Two weeks ago, two bridge police officers were shot in a party at Praween Chankhlai’s home in Nakhom Pathom state. He is now being questioned by officers from the Crime Suppression Division in Bangkok. Around 30 police officers, including many senior officials from counties, attended the party, which he was the local administrator. ( Photo provided )

According to an opinion poll by the National Institute of Development Administration, or Nida Poll, a sizable majority of people think there are some state officials, including officers, who serve and protect mafia-style prominent characters in the nation.

In order to gather their thoughts about relationships between people with” black effect” and state authorities in Thai community, the poll was conducted on September 12 and 14 over the phone with 1, 310 people aged 18 and older from various levels of education, occupations, and wages across the nation.

When asked about mafia-style influential people in their provinces, 49.54 % responded that there aren’t any in the area where they live. 26.34 % pointed to local politicians, 15.9 % kamnan( tambon chiefs ), 6.03 % operators of” shady” businesses, 5.94 % gunmen for hire and gangsters( 4.94 % national-level politicians ), 4.844 % chairs and community committee members, and 0.76 percent members of the media and those in entertainment circles. A more 0.38 percent either didn’t recognize or showed no interest.

When asked if they would dare to disagree with powerful people, 60.30 % responded,” absolutely not ,” 16.34 % said they preferred not to, 12.75 % replied, 9.08 % might possibly, and 1.53 percent either did not know or were not interested.

38.39 % of respondents said” no” when asked if they were certain that state officials or the police would protect and defend them in the event that they encountered a problem or conflict involving powerful individuals. 37.10 % said they are not sure. 13.50 % responded with” high confidence ,” 9.92 % with confidence, and 0.54 percent with no knowledge or lack of interest.

Finally, when asked if they thought some officers and state officials had served as mafia-style important figures’ workers and guardians. 59.77 % of respondents said” yes, for sure ,” 26.49 % moderately, 8.32 % said they didn’t think so but were unsure, 4.35 % said,” no, definitely not ,” and 1.07 percent either did not know or were uninterested.

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New health plan enters pilot phase

Govt broadens UC part eligibility

New health plan enters pilot phase
Cholnan: A 100-day” fast win” was hailed.

According to Cholnan Srikaew, the public health minister, a pilot program allowing participants in the universal healthcare( UC ) program to receive medical care at any doctor is ready to go into effect.

The program aims to improve the provision of health providers. UC members are free to visit any doctor to request the services they are qualified for, but only a select few health areas that are capable of doing so will probably see the program’s introduction.

There are 13 health zones in full across the nation, including Bangkok. A health zone is a collection of provinces.

Dr. Cholnan, who is also the leader of the ruling Pheu Thai Party, said the program will be implemented in two or three health zones chosen by the health fixed minister, pending an announcement to implement the entire program, calling it a” fast get” to bring about change within 100 times of government formation.

We’ll keep an eye on and assess the program’s development, he said. ” We’ll address the issues before the global adoption of the system.”

He continued,” People can get health care at any medical with just their identifying card.”

According to him, UC people are eligible for any medical treatment or therapy that is covered by their plan. To handle complaints of inadequate access to health services, he said a committee may be established to examine the health coverage provisions of other healthcare systems.

He stated that in order to make access easier and lessen hospital congestion, the nation’s health service provision systems may be digitalized.

According to a Public Health Ministry cause, the program will probably be introduced in the 8th wellness area, which includes the provinces of Udon Thani, Sakon Nakhon, Nong Phanom, Loei.

In this area, the department is in charge of 88 facilities. According to reports, the National Health Security Office has implemented a funds distribution system and has moved health records to the cloud.

After findings indicate that more than 6, 000 women in the nation are diagnosed with the disease each year, with 2, 000 annual deaths, Dr. Cholnan said the ministry will also speed up the free cervical cancer vaccination program targeting girls aged 11 – 20 to prevent risks.

He added that the government intends to target girls both inside and outside the educational structure with at least 1 million doses over the course of 100 days.

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Srettha to talk tourism on China trip

This week’s UN meeting will be followed by a second power visit in October.

Srettha to talk tourism on China trip
Srettha Thavisin, the prime minister and finance minister, visits a liquid escape hole project in Mae Kuang Udom Thara Dam in the Doi Saket city of Chiang Mai on Saturday walks and talks with his staff.

On October 8 and 10, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin may travel to China to meet with his Chinese counterpart to examine a number of important issues, including how to improve diplomatic ties and promote Thai-Chinese hospitality cooperation.

When asked about the possibility of renewing the Thai-Chinese memorandum of understanding( MoU) on the borrowing of Chinese embassy panda to Thailand, which will disappear in the coming weeks, the PM made the plans public on Saturday.

On Saturday, Mr. Srettha began his trip to Chiang Mai. One of the ten subjects the prime minister likely discuss with China during his approaching journey, according to him, may be Thai-Chinese relationships.

According to government official Chai Wacharonke, commerce assistance is also anticipated to be one of the subjects up for discussion.

When asked if the new government intended to keep Thailand’s ties with the US and China in harmony, Mr. Chai responded that it wasn’t the case, especially since the prime minister is scheduled to visit the United States this week for similar discussions.

The US and China are now treated extremely by Thailand as its two major business partners, he claimed.

Mr. Srettha will have the chance to meet US President Joe Biden, US trade representatives, and significant US companies when he attends the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly( UNGA78 ) in New York City, according to Mr Chai.

According to the official, that will be a great opportunity for the PM to persuade US investors to invest more in Thailand.

He even schedules meetings with significant technology companies while he is there.

For China, a visa-free program for visitors from China and Kazakhstan from September 25 through February 29 of next year was approved by the government last year.

Following the president’s announcement regarding the visa-free program, Mr. Srettha claimed to have learned from his conversations with native tourism business owners in Chiang Mai, for example, that the number of bookings by Chinese visitors to the northwestern province has significantly increased.

Safety assurance

Mr. Srettha stated that he had also emphasized to the Chiang Mai police commander the significance of increasing protection for foreign visitors in the northeastern province in light of the anticipated additional increase in Chinese tourists visiting Thailand.

He added that the authorities are in charge of strictly enforcing security measures to stop Chinese nationals from engaging in illegal activities or perhaps committing crimes on Thai land.

” Extra measures are also required to hinder illegal activities that may undermine the goodwill behind the government’s efforts to promote Thailands tourism-dependent economy ,” he said.

According to Mr. Srettha, he has previously spoken with the Chinese ambassador to Thailand about the false information that has damaged Thailand’s status for commerce, and they have agreed that a more strategic public relations strategy will be used to prevent any recurrence of the issue.

The government has started talks with neighboring nations to reduce transnational haze pollution, which typically results from man-made wildfires, in response to the dangerous ultra-fine PM2.5 dust pollution that intermittently affects northeastern Thailand, a popular destination for some Chinese and other foreign tourists.

The PM also disclosed that work is currently being done on the next aircraft in Chiang Mai.

When asked if the 30-day visa-free program would probably be expanded to include other nations, Mr. Srettha responded that the government would examine the situation on a country-by-country basis.

It might not be the most practical option for visitors from European nations who typically need more than a month to stay in Thailand while they get away from the warm weather in their countries, he said.

Mr. Srettha also called for an end to the long-running controversy over the cost of a charter flight that had been arranged to transport him and some other cabinet ministries before the UN general assembly on Saturday and Monday. He claimed that the government official and the secretary-general of the prime minister had provided an in-depth justification for why he had chosen to fly with the contract rather than the Royal Thai Air Force.

According to him, the mandate flight’s 30 million baht cost was really less than the price of flying on a particularly laid-on RTAF flight.

Mr. Srettha promised that gas prices would also be reduced after a study on the subject was finished in response to calls for further reductions in energy costs.

He claimed that the government approved steps aimed at lowering both gasoline and electric prices at its first official case meeting, which was held on Wednesday.

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