Mekong communities brace for climate struggle
17 September 2023 at 19: 30 PUBLISHED

According to Surasee Kittimonthon, secretary-general of the Office of National Water Resources( ONWR ), six nations along the Mekong River have vowed to combat climate change.
He claimed that on September 10 and 13, the ONWR represented Thailand at the discussions of the 18th World Water Congress and the 3rd Lancang-Mekong Water Resource Cooperation Forum in Beijing. Senior officials from six Mekong – Lancang Cooperation ( MLC) member nations, including Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand, were also present at the meetings. The Mekong River feeds 326 million individuals in those nations and is 4, 880 kilometers long.
According to Mr. Surasee, the meetings were held to discuss technology and knowledge as well as to present the results of projects supported by an MLC particular fund. The meetings also provided updates on the development of the participant countries’ Mekong-Lancang water management assistance concept trade.
According to Mr. Surasee,” Thailand stressed the significance of the cooperation between member countries in water source control through every system of society, including state agencies, secret and civil society sectors, or even women and youth organizations to address the impact of climate change such as flooded, drought, and an increasing demand for new water.”
According to him, Thailand has put forth a water management strategy based on its 20-year masterplan to manage water sustainably in accordance with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In order to improve data sharing about source operations on the Mekong’s water flow, water release, and solutions to lessen the effects of drought or flooding along the areas in the countries upstream of the river, he added that the member countries had also agreed to have the first stage of their mutual study.
He declared that research would be conducted by a mutual professional team. Additionally, a combined Lancang-Mekong study will be conducted to examine the effect on communities along the river.