Hospital stops taking 30-baht patient referrals
To help with financial losses, Mongkutwattana Hospital has stopped accepting inpatient referrals under the general protection healthcare card, or silver card scheme.
Maj Gen Dr Riengthong Nanna, the patient’s director and landlord, said the doctor stopped receiving silver card clinics from past Friday. The National Health Security Office ( NHSO ) runs the program, which produces the cards.
He claimed that since March, the NHSO has broken its commitment to pay outstanding debts incurred in referred inpatient cases. The total value is 44 million ringgit. ” If Mongkutwattana Hospital continues to offer solutions to the referred clinics, we may not be able to survive”, he said, adding the doctor had a similar issue in 2020, running up a bill of 13.2 million baht. The Administrative Court heard from the hospital at the time about the NHSO.
Because there hasn’t been any improvement in the case, the doctor has decided to turn away patients from clinics that refer patients until they pay or until the NHSO has made its debt payments, he said. He added that the hospital’s deal with NHSO may expire next year.
The NHSO, but, insists it is not in debt to the doctor. Atthaporn Limpanyalert, assistant secretary-general of the NHSO and NHSO spokeswoman, said NHSO has a resources to give facilities. But, in the case of Mongkutwattana, the situation is complicated.
The second debt, which was Mongkutwattana Hospital’s referring doctor, is a 13.2 million baht outstanding debt. However, the patient’s deal with the NHSO was scrapped to an inappropriate budget allocation in 2020.
The doctor no longer has a budget because it no longer has a contract with the NHSO. The NHSO is not required by law to use the National Health Security Fund to pay the bills of referring institutions ‘ private hospitals. Due to ongoing inquiries into outpatient data in Bangkok, the NSHO has yet to spend Mongkutwattana Hospital for another 44 million bass block of debt.
Some clinics have requested a review of$ 2.1 billion in payment data. A key reimbursement funds worth 1.2 billion baht is currently being investigated. He said the NHSO may delay the settlement of both expenses until the work is finished.
For these reasons, Dr Atthaporn said, payment to the referring doctor cannot been made for today. The NHSO table, however, approved an advance payment to the doctor and approved a transfer of 60 million baht to Mongkutwattana Hospital on November 6 to address the patient’s cash issue.
The NHSO does ask another facilities to accept people for more care in the event that Mongkutwattana Hospital stops offering outpatient referral services, such as Chulabhorn Hospital and Phaet Panya Hospital.