Deeper Dive Thailand: Is vaping safer than smoking cigarettes?

Over the past 20 times, fewer than 100 people have died from vaping, while more than 100 million people have died from smoking standard cigarettes. In Thailand, the cigarette death toll is 71, 000 people each time, and from vaping – low. So why are tobacco sold in all pleasure stores but not e-cigarettes?
In this Deeper Dive Thailand, Dave Kendall is joined by Asa Saligupta, chairman of Stops Cigarette Smoking Thailand, to help answer the following questions:
What are the health risks of smoking explosive smoking versus vaping?
How good is it that e-cigarettes will cause disease as vaping get older since they have just been around since 2004?
How well does vaping help people stop smoking or permanently avoid it?
How good is it that people will become addicted to nicotine from cigarettes before switching to smoking?
Should e-liquid with a tobacco flavor get treated differently from candy flavors that are specifically marketed to children?
-If e-cigarettes are significantly safer than cigarette smoking, and some smoking did had switched to vaping if it was lawful, what is the probable death toll from Thailand’s restrictions?
How many users who have returned to smoking during their stay here and who have a history of doing so since 2015, out of the hundreds of millions of foreign travelers who have visited since 2015, are likely to end up dead?
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