‘The Most Hated Man on the Internet’ tackles the fight against a ‘revenge porn’ site

“The Most Hated Man on the Internet” faces a bit of a logistical problem: How to visually represent the kind of photos that were posted by the “revenge porn” site IsAnyoneUp.com without invading people’s privacy all over again. Creatively tackling that, the producers deliver a highly watchable if salacious three-part docuseries, fueled by its truly hissable, made-for-TV villain.Continue Reading

‘Light & Magic’ charts the visual-effects revolution from ‘Star Wars’ to ‘Jurassic Park’

“Light & Magic” is of course a trip down memory lane about movies people love (beginning with “Star Wars”) and the wizardry behind making them. Yet this six-part docuseries from Lawrence Kasdan, a veteran of that franchise, also contains a broader look at how technology can fundamentally reshape an industry in a way that can put even ingenious buggy-whip makers out of business.Continue Reading