Australia’s Wong tackles China head-on in Pacific

Papua New Guinea (PNG) has announced it desires to establish a security contract with Australia, welcome news for analysts wary of rising Chinese influence in the Pacific cycles.

This choice reflects well upon Foreign Minister Dime Wong’s tireless diplomacy with Pacific Island capitals.

Since becoming International Minister a little more than three months ago, Wong has made four separate trips to the Pacific; to Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand and Solomon Islands, as well as engaging along with Pacific leaders during July’s Pacific Island destinations Forum Summit.

And these attempts appear to be paying off. Not just has PNG expressed an interest in a safety pact with Australia, but Timor-Leste has also just authorized a defense assistance agreement.

However , there is both much more and much less towards the PNG security statement than meets the eye.

The statement by Justin Tkatchenko, PNG’s new international minister, was gentle on detail. Tkatchenko said the security treaty with Australia has been in the works given that 2019 but has been spurred with the recent security contract between the Solomon Island destinations and China.

Filling current security “loopholes”

In 2019, Australia plus Papua New Guinea signed up for a Comprehensive Strategic and Economic Collaboration , which included a commitment to “develop the bilateral security treaty to further promote the shared security interests. ” Progress then stalled.

Tkatchenko noted the suggested new agreement will “fill in the loopholes” caused by the current protection situation in the region and complement the local security agreement the 2 countries already have in position. He mentioned that will discussions were from early stages and could be expanded to include Brand new Zealand and the US, due to the importance of local security.

Tkatchenko also portrayed hopes an agreement might be reached by the end of the year but did not provide much framework of how the new agreement would complement other regional protection agreements.

Not surprisingly, Wong and Defense Minister Richard Marles were cautious in response. Wong confirmed discussions were at a “ very early stage ”, while Marles visited great lengths to notice the initiative originated from Port Moresby instead of Canberra.

Why now?

The announcement was a signal of PNG’s proper intent and its concern over the protection arrangement signed by Solomon Islands and China in 04.

Solomon Islands Primary Minister Manasseh Sogavare, right, locks arms with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Honiara, Solomon Islands. The particular PNG/Australia security pact was spurred with the security agreement between your Solomon Islands and China in Apr. Photo: AP with the Conversation

PNG is now declaring its security passions are aligned using the US and Australia, a move sure to please Canberra. Yet this announcement areas PNG in an odd position.

Like Australia, China is PNG’s number one trading companion, but Port Moresby has declared the hand by siding with Australia.

Australia has been punished with hefty trade sanctions simply by Beijing for “accusing and smearing China” in the past. However , knowledge of these actions have not (yet) dissuaded PNG’s leaders from house against China.

History of cooperation

There is a sound schedule for a security agreement between Australia plus PNG. The Aussie Defense Force has been the PNG military’s primary partner since PNG established independence in 1975. By way of a Position of Forces agreement created at the time, the two countries have effectively performed numerous cooperative defense activities.

Security cooperation between the 2 countries was established through Australia’s Defense Assistance Program . In fact , the structure plus doctrine of PNG’s military was highly influenced by Australia’s military, and commanders of the PNG military have been trained in Aussie defense colleges.

In contrast, practical defense cooperation has been longstanding and significant. Useful defense cooperation entails training at all levels in PNG and Australia. Forces through both nations have operated together in peacekeeping operations in Bougainville and Solomon Islands.

Australian Major General Scott Wintertime inspects Papua New Guinea Defense Pressure troops during a pleasant parade. The construction of PNG’s military has been strongly inspired by Australia’s. Picture: Department of Defense

Quotes also regularly provides humanitarian assistance after natural disasters in PNG. In 06, Australian forces plus aircraft were furthermore deployed to provide protection and assist during PNG’s election.

The most significant action at the moment is the $170 million redevelopment of the Lombrum naval base on Manus Island (in cooperation with the US).

Facilities are now being upgraded to house patrol boats donated simply by Australia, but it is important to note that Canberra’s offer only emerged after a Chinese attempt to rebuild Lombrum within 2018, pointing once again to the importance of geopolitical considerations.

A solid signal from Pacific nations

High-level support in Port Moresby and Canberra is essential to the achievement of this new protection agreement. Pressure on Port Moresby is likely to be intense, as may inducements to change path.

The announcement of the security pact sends a strong transmission that Pacific claims are making choices about where they stand in the geopolitical contest between the US and China. The particular Solomon Islands security treaty with China and taiwan showed that the contest has well and truly arrived in Australia’s backyard.

The Albanese authorities promised to listen to Pacific cycles interests, and under Wong’s leadership, the particular Department of Foreign Affairs and Industry has responded effectively with compromises upon climate change and providing additional development assistance.

And a refreshing shift in policy, Canberra has not rushed to frame any kind of agreement between itself and a Pacific country as part of a geostrategic competition. Now PNG has spoken with no doubt more Pacific Island nations will follow suit.

Michael O’Keefe is usually Director, Master associated with International Relations, Section of Politics, Media and Philosophy, La Trobe University

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