Australian paedophile swim coach Dick Caine dies after conviction

Olympic swimming manager Dick Caine, who was found guilty of raping and biologically abusing six female students, passed away days later.

Caine, who had been in palliative treatment for terminal cancer, died on Wednesday night, the BBC understands. He was 78.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Caine was charged with 39 crimes committed against the young women. The attack took place in his car, at his house, and at a swimming swimming in Sydney.

According to Caine’s passing, the six victims were scheduled to give their prey impact statements at a particular hearing in December, but this is unlikely to come back.

District Judge Paul McGuire’s testimony at his faith reading in August revealed that Caine had an attention in pre-pubescent and teenage girls. One of his subjects was just ten years old at the time.

The prosecutor pointed out Caine’s power imbalance between the young girls because of his authority and their age differences, and emphasized that the girls depend on him to assist them in achieving their swimming goals.

Caine, who was detained in 2022, was disqualified from a single moment of court appearances because of his lack of fitness. Prior to this hearing, a jury heard that he had advanced heart and mouth cancer.

Caine reportedly served as the head coach at Sydney’s Carss Park lake for more than 40 times before retiring in 2018. He trained many Olympic and world champion athletes, including Michelle Ford, Janelle Elford and Stacey Gartrell.

According to an ABC statement, child safety activist Hetty Johnston expressed disappointment that the particular hearing in December will no longer take place because the victims had waited for decades for their time in court.

” The whole thing is just a tragedy that it took so long to get to this level of the legal process, that he’s then passed”, she said.