Australian man charged with armed robbery at Tampines moneylender

A licensed moneylending establishment in Tampines was charged with armed robbery on Tuesday ( June 4).

Jose Manuel Pacheco, 39, is accused of robbing a 32- year- ancient lady at Accredit Private Limited at Block 503, Tampines Central, while armed with a weapon.

On June 3, the alleged assault occurred sometime at around 1.40 p.m.

When Pacheco robbed the victim at knifepoint, demanding that she deposit money in a backpack, a police statement claimed Pacheco was wearing a helmet and cover.

The target kept her calm while the officers collected the money, recalling the man’s appearance and the clothes he wore, and kept her calm.

Pacheco reportedly took S$ 6, 095 from the person.

While officers were making their way to the spot, they saw a guy who matched the detailed information of the offender and obtained the victim’s detailed description.

Within an hour of the alleged assault, the authorities detained Pacheco and recovered the knife in its entirety along with the stolen cash.

Robbery results in a sentence in the neighborhood of two to ten years in prison and at least six wood breaths. At least 12 stroke of the wood will be used on the perpetrator if they are armed during the assault.

Pacheco was offered parole of S$ 20, 000 and the situation was adjourned for implementation of studies.