Army regular who played clarinet in SAF band for 19 years now fries carrot cake for a living


However, after 19 years of service, the regular resigned in 2018, which was also the first day he helped out at his parent’s 20-year-old carrot cake stall&nbsp, ( as an SAF officer, he was n’t allowed to work elsewhere, even if it was at his family’s shop ). He ultimately took over their company in 2019 and runs the joint with his family every day.

Stanley said,” My mother told me she wanted to retire, and I convinced myself to get over the carrot cake company so that I could see it as a long-term job.” &nbsp,

He claimed that because he was 50 years old, his military commitment would have expired, leading to his decision to retire earlier.

” When I resigned, I was 40 years old. If I were to retire at 50 I would have had to restart a new career again, and my two daughters&nbsp, would still be in school, &nbsp, so finance-wise it would be a burden if I quit at that age&nbsp ,]when it’s tougher to start afresh ]”, he explained. &nbsp,

However, Stanley received a 20 % pay cut when he switched from playing the clarinet to becoming a hawker. ” My monthly salary]in the army ] was definitely more secure, as hawkers earn on a day-to-day basis, so if I do n’t work on a day I’m sick, I wo n’t have income. But the plus side is that it’s my own business, so I wo n’t have to encounter office politics. Also, I can do this business as long as I]am able-bodied enough ] to work”, he said. &nbsp,