‘Angry’ South Korean voters turn to fledgling protest party

President Yoon’s party is determined to take control of congress so they can advance his socially conservative agenda, but the constitution only allows him to serve for a five-year name.

However, scandals have fueled public dissatisfaction with his management, particularly First Lady Kim Keon Hee’s approval of a Christian bag- seen in a frequently circulated video and her involvement in a stock manipulation scandal.

Cho says lawyers have been “lenient” with Yoon and his home, in strong contrast with their pursuit of his own, which “endured severe studies for years”.

He says his party’s support stems from dissatisfaction with the status quo and calls for immediate elections for prosecutors to finish what he calls political partiality.

” There is red- up sorrow and rage at the authorities, but no parties or politicians to totally represent like sentiment”, he said.


Social analyst Yum Seung- yul reported to AFP that Cho’s individual story is helping to galvanise voters who are unsatisfied with both major parties.

” He is seen as the most damaged” by Yoon, due to the aggressive prosecution his family faced, Yum said, adding he would n’t be surprised if the party were to win big in the polls.

But even if he does win, Cho does not retain his seat in parliament. He may serve two years in prison if the Supreme Court rejects his last appeal.

There is no timetable for the judgement.

Last year, hundreds of Cho’s followers chanted his title and the party’s phrase,” Three years is very long,” at a protest in central Seoul. – a guide to Yoon’s remaining term in office.

” People are unhappy with the state”, physician Cho said at the rally. And some, like her, assume the opponent’s says it will do a better job addressing their fears are “hollow”.

Cho is unique in that he has indicated what he will do to stay Yoon in check.