Medical Council urged to decline
A civic culture organization is unsatisfied with the Medical Council of Thailand’s legitimate action challenging the NHSO’s policy of providing completely care for 16 problems under the universal healthcare system.
In order to protect the patients, it was suggested that the committee quickly halt the lawsuit.
After the Supreme Administrative Court accepted the mayor’s complaint against the NHSO scheme, which offers free medication at pharmacy for signs on the list, Saree Aongsomwang, Thailand Consumer Council secretary-general, on Saturday expressed her concern about the fight between the Thai Medical Council and the Thai Pharmacy Council.
The signs include headaches, drowsiness, joint or muscle pain, fever, cough, sore throat, cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, skin wounds and skin irritation.
The organization’s supporters claim the legislation has saved lives since it was put into effect in 2022.
The TCC argued that this is not just a disagreement between authorities but also one involving the safety of the patients because small symptoms can lead to serious conditions if left untreated with the appropriate medication.
According to Ms. Saree, the policy is in line with the Ministry of Public Health’s plan to increase primary care units ‘ power and ease hospital overcrowding.
She added that the policy gives individuals who choose not to visit a clinic more options, she added.
Buyers who now fear the company will be terminated by this legal actions are confounded.
We want to see NHSO’s lawsuit dismissed by the Medical Council of Thailand, and all parties should come to terms with what she referred to as” consensus.”
The NHSO assistant secretary-general Dr Attaporn Limpanyalert, however, insisted all common medical cardholders may continue to benefit from the plan until the courtroom reaches a ruling.
The Pharmacy Council of Thailand stated on Tuesday that the highest standards of health are applied to all treatments that are received by professionals.
According to its report, the company has helped over 1.79 million people since October 2022, with 90 % of them recovering from signs and fewer mortality or serious cases being reported.
The Pharmacy Council claimed that the Medical Council only has concerns about the NHSO’s free health policy for holders of universal healthcare cards because it appears to no object to people purchasing drugs from pharmacies themselves.
Furthermore, there are doubts about whether the issue is just for the people’s health security, it said.
Additionally, it urged the Medical Council to uphold another experts ‘ morals when distributing prescriptions of medications to the general public.