Afghanistan: Taliban bans women from working for NGOs

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Women’s freedoms have been additional curtailed in Afghanistan, after the Taliban barred them from working for non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

The Islamist rulers said female NGO employees had been breaking Sharia regulation by failing to wear the hijab.

It comes days after feminine students were prohibited from universities – the newest restriction on their training since the Taliban obtained power.

Women prevented from going to function told the BBC of their fear plus helplessness.

One mentioned she was the major earner in her household, and questioned: “If I cannot go to my job, who are able to support my family? ”

Another breadwinner insisted that she got complied with the Taliban’s strict female gown code. “This information is shocking, inch she said. “I am confused what is going to happen to my life. ”

A third lady questioned the Taliban’s “Islamic morals”, saying she would now find it difficult to pay her expenses and feed her children.

“The world is watching us and doing absolutely nothing, ” said another female interviewee. The BBC is not posting the women’s titles in order to protect them.

Saturday’s edict was announced within a letter from the Ministry of Economy in order to both national plus international NGOs. The Taliban spokesman confirmed that the ruling applied until further notice.

However , it was not really immediately clear regardless of whether this would affect EL bodies, which have a substantial presence carrying out relief and development work in the country.

The notice threatened to terminate the license associated with any organisation that did not swiftly conform.

If NGOs are actually only allowed the employ men, it seems Afghan women will be unable to receive help directly. Separate rules prevent men through working with women.

It really is feared this could worsen widespread issues like infant mortality in the country where foreign funding for healthcare has now dried up.

The South Asian department of Amnesty Worldwide described the ban as “yet one more deplorable attempt to erase women from the political, social and economic spaces” of Afghanistan.

One imam — whose identity will be again being safeguarded by the BBC — said the Taliban was “not devoted to any Islamic value”.

He explained: “Islam has not said that men can educate plus women cannot. Or men can work and women cannot. We are confused about this decision. ”

A ban on women going to Afghan universities previously this week met comparable condemnation. It brought on protests – including within Herat on Sunday : which have been rapidly under control.

Since requisitioning back control of the nation last year, the Taliban has steadily limited women’s rights : despite promising its rule would be smoother than the regime seen in the 1990s.

Secondary schools for girls stay closed in most provinces. Women have also been avoided from entering recreational areas and gyms, amongst other public places.

Additional confirming by Aalia Farzan.

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