Actor-host Suhaimi Yusof apologises to Ramadan bazaar stall owner after misunderstanding, the two make amends

While he did not share when the incident took place, he said that Suhaimi had gone to the front of his stall’s much lane, and told Sheik’s mom, who was helping at the barn, that he wanted to buy S$ 50 price of coffee to give the other consumers as an act of charity.

But, when Sheik proceeded to give away strange coffee to the people in the queue, Suhaimi stopped him and said the&nbsp, customers should be able to choose the drinks they wanted, which Sheik said was ridiculous given it was a busy day. &nbsp,

Sheik even alleged in the movie that Suhami called his mom “blur” and a worker at the barn” stupid”.

He therefore questioned Suhaimi’s charitable purpose as the performer was accompanied by a team of cameramen. &nbsp, &nbsp,

” That’s not giving charity. Giving donation should be done quietly”, he said. &nbsp,

Two days later, Suhaimi responded with an explanation videos, captioned:” I, Suhaimi Yusof, sincerely want to apologise to the barn proprietors, families, staff and visitors involved in the incident resulting from my error in conversation. &nbsp,

” I really hope my apology can be accepted because I am someone who does n’t run away from mistakes. ” &nbsp,

Speaking in Malay, Suhaimi explained that the affair was a result of confusion. &nbsp,