Actor Herman Keh accidentally scratched co-star Tasha Low’s face while shooting a scene

When 8days. When Sg reached out to Tasha, she responded that she “did n’t feel any pain at first” despite that she was a little shocked. &nbsp,

She also stated that Herman owed her a sip and that he was actually remorseful. &nbsp,

Did Tasha become more careful while performing stunts after being scratched in the face? &nbsp,

Amazingly, the performer said she was unfazed.

” We’re quite comfortable with each other, so it did n’t affect filming at all. She told 8days,” We talked about how to do the scene stronger and more properly, and we practiced a few more days before filming again.” gs. &nbsp,

She said she is unconcerned about the wound leaving a wound and has never had any trouble concealing it.