‘A step closer’: Singapore wildlife sanctuary ACRES expands to full 2ha after more than a decade

According to Mr. Kalai, the shelter’s animal population is approximately 95 % of its original size. &nbsp,

There are major obstacles to returning amazing animals to their naturalized habitats. These include extensive document and finding appropriate recipients. For some creatures, discharge is not an option due to health issues from their day as illegitimate, exotic pets. &nbsp, &nbsp,

The evacuation center can also take more local rescue, which it treats before releasing them into the crazy, with the additional room. In industrial Singapore, space is even more crucial when it comes to restoring exotic animals. &nbsp, &nbsp,

” Any pet- when you treat them- there is a post- treatment time”, said Mr Kalai. &nbsp,

You need a large place to do that successfully. If no, for wild creatures- if you put them in a small place, they see our faces all the time- they may get imprinted. That means when I release them, they are going to view citizens”.

Such behavior may hardly bode well for Singapore’s compact population. &nbsp,

Shawn Lum, a professor at Nanyang Technological University, weighs in on the rise, noting that fewer wild areas in the nation would lead to more wildlife entering built areas, more animal injuries, and more human-animal discord. &nbsp,

According to the senior lecturer from NTU’s Asian School of the Environment, this would require more resources to be allocated to; for example, it would be necessary to house them if they could n’t be safely returned to the wild.

Crowded spaces increase the stress of animals, which can lead to conflict between humans and wildlife and even the spread of pathogens. &nbsp,

” Yet if space is available, the limited supply of land, and the resulting high cost of buying or leasing space create quite high, sometimes overwhelming, overheads for a business, let alone a never- for- profit organisation”, noted Dr Lum. &nbsp,

To reduce the space pressure on ACRES, Dr Lum said&nbsp, there would have to be fewer human- wildlife conflicts, and accidents that require wildlife rescue and rehabilitation.

There should be a lot of buffer space to reduce any potential human-wildlife interaction, he said.

He suggested multi-purpose spaces that incorporated animal-related amenities into the landscape. &nbsp,


Results from ACRES ‘ groundwater monitoring test, which was conducted in January of this year, gave rise to a glimmer of hope. The contamination levels have decreased, and the surface land is safe to use, according to the test. &nbsp, &nbsp,

However, much needs to be done to make the area functional. &nbsp,

The area needs to be cleared of vegetation and basic infrastructure, including water, sewer, and drainage pipes, by staff and volunteers. Currently, it takes around 10 minutes fighting through the dense foliage just to reach the edge of the “wild” area from the existing compound. &nbsp,

Some structures- left alone after they went up- must be refurbished, such as a large cage a minute’s walk into the forest. The cage, which resembles an aviary, remains standing but is missing some doors. Through the roof of the house, a tree has grown and burst.