‘A seat in a powerful bloc’: Malaysian PM Anwar could use BRICS as platform to expand ASEAN’s reach, say economists


Mr Anwar has been highlighting Malaysia’s designed walk to meet BRICS.
At a seafaring meeting held last month in Kuala Lumpur, he said, adding that the country could serve as a vital trading gateway between the East and the West.” We should be comfortable enough to decide our course of action, our priorities, our corporate interests defined on our own terms,” he said. &nbsp,
BRICS, established in 2009, first included Brazil, Russia, India, and China, while South Africa joined a year later. It has since expanded to encompass Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates.
Researchers said Mr Anwar’s decision to join the alliance is understandable, considering the financial potential of BRICS people. &nbsp,
Collectively, the alliance is home to more than 40 per cent of the world’s population, contributes a fourth of the world economy and accounts for a second of all industry.
According to Mr. Danial Abdul Rahman, CEO of Malaysian think tank Asian Strategy and Leadership Incorporated ( ASLI),” It could become a very formidable bloc.” &nbsp,
” Global GDP ( gross domestic product ) growth is forecasted at about 3.2 to 3.3 per cent. Countries like India and China are a little further along the curve while the BRICS countries are close to 3.6 %.

Some BRICS people have global power over important commodities and resources, according to Mr. Danial. ” So we’re looking at crude oil and gas, we’re looking at metal and platinum”.
While joining BRICS makes feeling, how many Malaysia will benefit financially is still unclear, argued economists.
” If there are no trade facilitations, I do n’t foresee any tangible benefit economically”, said Dr Muhammed Abdul Khalid, fellow at the National University of Malaysia’s Institute of Malaysian and International Studies. &nbsp,
” But at the same time, in terms of security, two ( members of BRICS) are in the ( UN) Security Council, which have veto power. We ( would ) have a seat in a powerful bloc to promote our interests”.