‘A rubber band snapping back’: Thailand’s cannabis U-turn a return to political middle-ground, say observers


There are still questions about how the Pheu Thai-led state will implement changes to the law, despite decades of draft cannabis bills circulating.

Before a last act is chosen by the government and then presented to congress, the Ministry of Public Health has stated that more conversation is required. According to Mr. Srettha, a committee he chairs, the Narcotics Control Board did decide final information. &nbsp,

However, the ruling coalition state itself, one of Pheu Thai’s companions, is divided over hemp, which is mainly responsible for ushering in the legalization time.

Anutin Charnvirakul, a former health minister, Bhumjaithai head, and deputy prime minister, has been vocal about a right and proper review being conducted before any limitations are re-imposed.

According to Dr. Yuttaporn Issarachai, a social scientist from Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, gentle conversations would have taken place within the ruling coalition regarding what the limitations should really be and how to prevent the government from splintering over the problem. &nbsp,

” I think a certain amount of discussion must have already taken place,” Bhumjaithai said.

” Despite the push to re- criminalise cannabis, I do n’t think Bhumjaithai will be so affected that it would leave the coalition. We ca n’t forget that although the cannabis policy is from Bhumjaithai, particularly when Mr Anuthin was the health minister, the re- criminalisation is wanted by quite a lot of people”, he said. &nbsp,

Mr. Srettha’s cabinet just changed so that more proper names are now held in important portfolio positions, which would enable him to advance the political agenda of his party.

In recent months, the government has faced significant plan turbulence, including the government’s failure to fulfill important election promises, including its digital wallet initiative to boost the economy through a cash flyer program.

Obstacles have also been overcome by another populist measures, such as lowering energy prices, suspending farmer obligations, and raising the minimum wage.

Mr. Srettha may soon gain popularity in the area of cannabis and achieve favor among the electorate’s conservatives.

As cannabis use has increased, group concerns and harm have increased, according to Associate Professor Paul Chambers from the Center for ASEAN Community Research at Naresuan University.

According to the Center of Addiction Research at Chulalongkorn University, cannabis use has increased by ten times since legalization in the last two decades among young people, according to statistics. Cannabis people in 2022 reached 11.1 million, the heart found.

Professor Paisan Limstit, a writer of the decriminalisation of hemp, from the Health Laws and Ethics Center at Thammasat University, welcomed the prime minister’s strong position.

He has recently lamented the social effects of legalizing marijuana and claimed that the country’s tourism industry has suffered the most harm as a result of drug use, as well as criminal activity, and reputational harm.

The government should take great care of it, the author says. But there is still doubt in the matter of information”, he said. &nbsp,

The state will probably also take into account important economic factors. Taxing cannabis do provide great windfalls to the president’s coffers. &nbsp,

Assoc Prof Chambers believes that cannabis ‘ financial perks for a nation’s sector are likely to be unquestionable given that they are still recovering from COVID-19, making it unlikely that it will ever completely disappear.

Mr. Srettha is attempting to fulfill Pheu Thai’s campaign promise to impose stricter laws on cannabis sales and use. He also acknowledges that pot is a product that may benefit the Thai economy at the same time. &nbsp,

” Income will win out. One way or another, cannabis as a commodity did be accessible to people in Thailand, maybe just a little pricier. That’s all”.