At Boon Lay, it’s a weekday night. Individuals are either arriving home from a long day at work or meeting up with friends. Some move past the ground-floor purchase models of a certain HDB block, generally without a second thought. But behind those windows, a world of action is unfolding.
Children are preparing for an outdoor theater achievement that will take place at the park outside in one building, the craft studio. Children who may not receive normal meals at home are busy making sandwiches for their meal in a local community home. A few steps ahead, some children are tending to a group garden, caring for curry leaves, much seeds and papayas.  ,
These areas are all part of Tak Takut Kids Club ( TTKC), a project under 3Pumpkins, a non-profit arts organisation. The pub offers a fostering space for kids from strong family backgrounds to enjoy and develop thoroughly, regardless of their circumstances, through several development programmes.  ,
Shiyun Lin, the 42-year-old chairman of 3Pumpkins, can be seen in the arts theater, helping the kids get out their outfits and paint the accessories needed for their future performance.  ,
” This is the youngsters ‘ space”, Lin told me. ” A community where kids come together, learn crucial values, grow together with other children, and then transmit these values to younger kids” . ,
Lin has always been excited about babies. The Singaporean has a history in art, having produced work for boys in theater and performance art for 14 times.