‘A clear danger to young boys’: Paedophile raped boys and made stepbrothers sexually abuse each other

SINGAPORE: A pedophile who had been abusing six boys, including the sons of his cousin, for eight years was finally apprehended after his mother discovered him in a compromising situation with one of the victims.

The 31-year-old Singaporean, who cannot be named because burp orders protecting the identities of the victims, was given a maximum of 24 wood strokes and 40 years in prison on Monday, September 18.

He admitted guilt to seven counts, including rape and assault. There were 47 additional charges taken into consideration for punishment.

Between 2012 and 2020, the poor man allegedly preyed on kids, according to the jury. He began by watching boys he met play soccer in the neighborhood before focusing on his younger relatives’ houses after being invited.

His cousins’ children, who were between the ages of six and nine at the time, were three of the patients.

The defendant’s cousin offered him S$ 500 per month in 2020 to assist him with his bundle shipping duties. The offender was invited to stay with his family by the cousin in order to accomplish this arrangement.

The man & nbsp preyed on the sons of his cousins, particularly the younger boy of six.

Before molesting and performing sexual acts on the child, he would divert his attention by giving him a phone to play games in. He repeatedly raped the teenager as well.

The man would have sex acts performed on the boy in front of his stepbrother, & nbsp, and coerce the other boys into doing the same.


The boy’s mother and niece were invited to stay over in October 2020.

The family of the offender dozed off on a couch in the living room. The criminal and his sister’s sons shared a mattress on the floor of the living room.

The defendant’s mummy discovered her son in a state of undress the following morning, lying on top of the six-year-old son of his cousin.

She confronted her brother and told the mother of the patients, who then spoke with her kids and deduced what had happened. & nbsp,

The perpetrator was now traveling to Jewel Changi Airport, where the victim’s father after confronted him. A loud argument finally broke out as they drove to another location where the victims’ home was waiting.

The police were notified about the sexual offenses after a member of the public called them. & nbsp,


The offender was given a 40 to 45 year prison sentence, along with 24 wood strokes, according to the prosecution’s request. They listed the boy’s related prior convictions, mainly for fraud.

This case, according to sheriff public prosecutor Lee Zu Zhao,” ranks among the worst cases of severe intimate abuse to arrive before the courts.”

The victims were used, according to him,” as tools or gadgets to fulfill his wicked sexual desires ,” and there was a” distinct escalation in the quantity, variety, and severity of his offending.”

He cited the report from the Institute of Mental Health ( IMH ), which stated that the perpetrator had a common problem and posed” apparent danger to society.”

According to Mr. Lee, the man had obviously abused his place and betrayed the trust that had been placed in him, particularly for the two cousins.

Edmond Lim of Allen & amp, Gledhill, a defense attorney who took on the case under the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme, requested 33 years in prison as well as 24 cane strokes.

He read aloud a notice that his customer had penned in response.

The person begged for forgiveness, claiming that he attended a specific school where, according to him, his seniors had taught him the sex acts after failing his Primary School Leaving Examinations three times.

He even claimed that his father sexually assaulted him when he was seven years old and that both of his parents divorced at a young age.

Except for his family, all of his family members have severed ties with him, according to the perpetrator.

He wrote, expressing” great remorse” and” if I could turn back time, I would do so ,” adding that” this is a stigma I have to live with for the rest of my life.”

He claimed that while he wanted to apologize to the sufferers, doing so would be ineffective.

He declared,” I have earned my crime, and I earned it against my own soul.” ” I’ll carry my evil with me until the day I die.”

He further stated that a sentence that was obviously increased would ruin his chances of recovery and pleaded with the court for leniency.

Mr. Lee responded by stating that the man’s lack of intellectual disability was evident from the IMH statement. When asked for his history, the person also failed to disclose to the psychiatrist that his stepfather had sexually assaulted him.

He had complete control over what he was doing and was thoroughly conscious of it, according to Mr. Lee.


Justice Mavis Chionh ruled in the boy’s punishment that there was no mitigating value to his claims of prior sexual assault. These were merely claims that lacked any supporting data.

The judge stated that the accused was already an adult and entirely capable of making his own decisions and accepting responsibility for those decisions by the time he committed the alleged offenses.

& nbsp,” His child victims, on the other hand, regrettably- really painfully — did not have any like choice.”