A 26-year-old man who molested a woman in his neighbor’s condominium unit was given a seven-month jail term on Wednesday ( Mar 5 ).  ,
Erakkodan Abinraj admitted to one count of molesting and had one matter of breaking the law taken into account when he was sentencing.  ,
The prosecutor was informed that the American national had been living with five coworkers next door to the sufferer for about a month. He had previously bumped into the target because he was aware of her.
He entered his neighbor’s system through the house balcony that connected his product to his neighbor’s on September 22, 2024, at around 4.50 a.m. Erakkodan turned on his mobile phone’s candlelight as it was dark to see better. Before entering the master bathroom, he wandered around the house.  ,
The victim, a 36-year-old girl who could not be identified due to a gag order, was sleeping with her husband in the master bedroom while her daughter was sleeping in another place.
After noticing the survivor lying dormant on the pillow, he touched the victim’s underwear. The target woke up as she sensed one holding her hand.  ,
She turned to her left and observed that her father was sleeping. She turned her straight and saw the accused man holding up his handphone with the flashlight on, according to Deputy Public Prosecutor Kathy Chu.  ,
The target screamed, awakening her husband. Erakkodan was confronted and asked to leave the place. The 26-year-old next urinated in fear and asked the judge to not call the police, the judge was told.  ,
Erakkodan stayed in the apartment until the officers arrived, where the victim called the police, before confessing to trespass. He lied about the victim’s handphone falling on her, claiming that that was what caused her to wake up, and he denied touching her.  ,
The trial wanted between six and eight months in prison. Ms. Chu described the incident as worsening because Erakkodan had broken into the defendant’s house, which is a “private spot” where the sufferer may expect to feel secure. She added that the victim’s sleeping position made her prone as well.  ,
Ms. Chu claimed that Erakkodan had urinated in her system, which had added to the hassle.  ,
Ambalavanar Ravidass, the attorney for Erakkodan, from Regal Law requested seven months in jail, claiming that his customer is from an impoverished family in India.
He added that Erakkodan’s mother had committed suicide, which suggested that his client may have had had mental issues at the time of the crimes.
Ms. Chu responded that an Institute of Mental Health document had not identified Erakkodan as having any mental illness. Mr. Ambalavanar acknowledged that his customer had been experiencing “normal sadness” that anyone would go through in the circumstances, but that despite his acknowledgment, he acknowledged that he had no mental illness.  ,
Erakkodan could have been imprisoned for up to three years, fined, and caned for molesting someone.