New Zealand: MPs told to stop complaining about use of Māori name

The speaker of the house in the legislature of New Zealand says he won’t take any additional concerns from lawmakers regarding the use of the country’s Mori title in trials.

Speaker Gerry Brownlee stated in a decision in Parliament on Tuesday that” Aotearoa is frequently used as a brand of New Zealand.”

His remarks come after Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters requested that Brownlee ban the use of the label Aotearoa and that anyone using it in parliament need a vote.

Aotearoa, which means “land of the long white cloud,” has long been used in Mori when referring to New Zealand, despite the fact that it is the legal title of the nation and can only be changed by regulation.

According to Brownlee,” Aotearoa appears on our visas and it appears on our money.” The title is also used in the Mori version of New Zealand’s national anthem, which is frequently heard before the English translation.

” They are not required to use certain phrases if other people don’t like them.” However, he continued,” I don’t anticipate any further details of order being raised about it because it’s not a matter of purchase.”

Members are permitted to speak in Parliament in any of the country’s three established languages, including English, Mori, and New Zealand sign language.

When Green MP Ricardo Menéndez March used it during a legislative session next month, Peters, who is Mori, raised the issue.

Why can a person who applied to visit this region in 2006 ask a question to this Parliament that would change the name of this nation without a vote or New Zealand’s citizens’ consent? Peters questioned.

Menéndez March is a native of Mexico but, as all Members are required to be, is a resident of New Zealand.

Another government official, who is a member of Peters ‘ New Zealand First group and also Mori, questioned” the propriety of recent immigrants telling Mori what the name of our nation may be”

Brownlee advocated using the name Aotearoa New Zealand preferably at the time to avoid confusion, but she later said it wasn’t necessary.

Not all Mori have the same affinity with the title Aotearoa, which was formerly used only to describe New Zealand’s North Island. It is frequently used by non-Maori out of regard for indigenous folks, though.

According to Radio New Zealand ( RNZ), Winston Peters stated on Tuesday that he disapproved of Brownlee’s decision.

He continued, saying that he only had a problem with Aotearoa being used in Parliament, no Mori in general, and that he would never respond if a question was posed to him in the future using the name.

In recent years, indigenous officials have been lobbying for the expansion of Mori in people.

The Mori Party, an established political party, launched a petition in 2022 to formally shift the country’s brand to Aotearoa, which received more than 70, 000 names.

” No relationship exists between New Zealand and this country,” according to the Dutch name. How many people in Aotearoa may yet image “old” Zealand? Rawiri Waititi, the Mori Party co-leader, said at the moment.

Since the current administration first gained strength in 2023, it has been mandated that government departments give their British names and communicate mainly in English, unless they have a specific connection to Mori.

Another of the coalition’s members, the Act party, is also seeking to redefine the terms of New Zealand’s founding document, the Treaty of Waitangi, which has been met with fierce opposition.