Commentary: Discontent is rising among Indonesia’s youth. Prabowo would do well to take heed

3, 081 undergraduate students from six South Asian countries were surveyed by the ISEAS study. With 41.1 % of male respondents and 51.9 % female respondents, they are 18-24 years old. In addition to Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia, one of the six nations surveyed was Vietnam. &nbsp,

Youth satisfaction with a country’s social system and its future economic prospects was one of the topics covered in the survey. Indian youth was the most pessimistic about this. &nbsp,

Compared to their East Asian counterparts, Indian children displayed the highest levels of discontent with their social system. Only 27.7 % of respondents to the survey said they were satisfied, compared to 71.5 % who said they were.

In contrast, the ISEAS survey also revealed that 63.9 percent of Indonesian children favored paying taxes on the wealthy to assist the financially underprivileged, which is the highest rate in Southeast Asia. &nbsp,

A crucial aspect that formed youth pessimism was economic hardship. According to the survey, only 2.6 % of Indonesian youth think their country’s economy is “very good” and 37.8 % think their country’s economy is “bad”

Additionally, only 62.6 percent of Indonesian respondents expressed a strong opinion or consensus that the nation’s economic outlook for the next five years is promising, which is significantly lower than that of other Southeast Asian nations like Vietnam (88.1 % ) or Malaysia ( 84.1 % ).