Hume station opens after years of ‘patience and perseverance’ from residents

After more than a decade of residents ‘ “patience and perseverance,” Hume Station finally opened on Friday ( Feb 28 ), according to Ms. Low Yen Ling.

She claimed during the opening ceremony that Johnson place was a” tank place” with only architectural measures when the Downtown Line was constructed when it was first constructed.

However, the government were influenced by the persistent and sincere demands made by our citizens between 2012 and 2019, according to Ms Low, who is the Member of Parliament for the region’s Chua Chu Kang Group Representation Constituency. &nbsp,

She also expressed her gratitude to the Land Transport Authority ( LTA ) and the MOT, which have been listening to her requests since 2012 after years of parliamentary debates. &nbsp,

” We developed our situation. We persevered and are very appreciative of LTA and MOT for hearing our voices,” said Ms Low, who also serves as South West District’s president. &nbsp,

She continued, “particularly glad,” to then-Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan. &nbsp,

According to her,” His” direction and foresight enabled LTA to assess the Hume area’s requirements and possible.” &nbsp,

She noted that MOT and LTA made the announcement that the Hume MRT stop would be constructed in March 2019. &nbsp,