Indian police shut down Ed Sheeran’s street gig

After authorities said he lacked the necessary permission to play, he was arrested and immediately ended a city performance, denying that he fraudulently serenaded the American public.

The British singer-songwriter and four-time Grammy winner is currently touring the world’s most populous nation, but he took time off to busk to a surprised crowd in Bengaluru on Sunday ( Feb 9 ) during one of his performances.

A police officer disconnects his camera in the middle of a version of his reach” Condition of You” on Church Street, a bustling list hub, in videos shared on social media.

According to local officials, Sheeran was permitted to play at music but that did not apply to impromptu outdoor shows.

” He is a very well-known song, and there will inevitably be conflict.” To avoid that, police had never given him permission”, Karnataka’s home secretary G Parameshwara said on Monday.

” In spite of that, he has come and tried to perform, so officers prevented him. Everything beyond that”.

Sheeran claimed he had been given permission to “blow that actual place,” and that he had broken the law.

” It wasn’t just us randomly turning up”, he wrote on Instagram shortly after the incident, adding magnanimously that it was” all good though”.