Dr. Balakrishnan thanked the Bangladeshi prime minister for his “assiduous and laborious work” in ensuring the stalemate, noting that it would lead to” a wave in the delivery of humanitarian help” to the war-stricken regions.
Over the past year, Singapore has donated more than S$ 18 million ( US$ 13.2 million ) and six tranches of humanitarian assistance to the Palestinians, he said.  ,
He added that Singapore will give additional humanitarian supplies to the Palestinians while Second Minister for Foreign Affairs Mohamad Maliki Osman may travel to Jordan to provide a check to a donation.  ,
” It is crucial for us to keep in mind that there are individuals in certain parts of the world who urgently need assistance. We may continue to support the Palestinians”, he said, adding that Singapore will continue to work strongly with the Palestinian Authority.  ,
The secretary also reiterated that Singapore wants and supports a two-state option.
” That is the only way we are going to have a complete, just and sturdy harmony between these two individuals who are going to be continuous neighbours, and do need to be able to live in peace, stability and dignity”, he said.  ,
Minister for Social and Family Development Masagos Zulkifli said that many people have suffered from the horror, echoing what he said.  ,
” Through the wars, Singapore has often emphasised the need for accessibility to humanitarian aid, and it’s not been able to deliver it properly so way”, said Mr Masagos, who is also Next Minister for Health and Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs.
” In delivering (aid ), we want to alleviate the suffering ( of ) the population… and now with the pause in hostilities, we are very hopeful that now aid can be delivered ( in a timely manner ) and earnestly”.