The Land Transport Authority announced on Thursday ( Jan 16 ) that the overall supply of Certificates of Entitlement ( COE ) for the February to April period will increase by 8 % from the previous quarter.
There will be a total of 17, 133 COEs, an increase from 15, 834 in the previous fourth, which also saw an increase in the limit.
Compared to the same period last year ( February 2024 to April 2024 ), the upcoming quota is 16 per cent higher.
The limit for Category A, B, C, and E may increase by about 10 per cent, while the offer for Category D may be constant.
Bidding for the new allotment will begin on February 3.
The COE limit for the bidding phase of May 2025 to July 2025 will been announced in April, said LTA.
The COE limit consists of the following elements:
- In the 12-month time from January 2024 to December 2024, 25 % of the alternative Submissions from deregistered cars were deregistered.
- Provision for a growth rate of 0.25 percent per year for Category C vehicles based on the people of Category C vehicles as of December 31, 2024.
- Adjustments to the car population, expired COEs, the professional vehicle first turnover program, and redistribution from Category A, Category B, and Category D guaranteed deregistrations.
Up to 20, 000 more Offerings may be gradually injected across all car categories starting in February over” the next few years,” according to LTA’s announcement in October of last year. The decision was made in light of the application of ERP 2.0.