Shameshan Mani Maran, the Malaysian trailblazing Indian music composer, is going places with international collaborations in place

Malaysia has seen a number of skilled Tamil musicians come to prominence, particularly after the famous Malaysian Vasudevan, who rose to fame in Tamil films and Kollywood in the 1980s, made it so.

Finally, in the 1990s, the very party Poetic Ammo established new standards in Tamil and English music, while team leader Yogi B is a renowned superstar with numerous hits in Tamil films.

Put Sasi the Don and hip-hop sun Rabit Mac to the mix, and that will raise the bar even further. But just artists like Mugen Rao, Santesh Kumar, Dhilip Varman, Balan Kumar and Viveck Ji are also seen hitting the fame with some good works.

Add in singers like Hiresh Haridas, better known by his stage name Reshmonu, who has established himself in the local picture with his British songs, as well as Jaclyn Victor, a well-known vocalist who won the inaugural Malay Idol and the famous Francissca Peter.

But these comes Shameshan Mani Maran, a 35-year-old Johor Baru native who has been a force for good and is all set to revolutionize Kollywood and the nearby Malay movie industry this year.

And his excellent songs from the popular Tamil movie C4Cinta are frequently receiving subscribers on Astro and nearby radio stations Minnal FM and THR Raaga. His music” Katal Onnu” in C4Cinta has been hailed as the best local Tamil music in 2024. That music and his filmography have been receiving rave reviews from everyone for their contributions to the soundtrack.

He even won the title of Best Music Director at the exclusive MICA Awards in 2024. He also won the Peoples ‘ Choice for Best Song ( Kathal Onnu ) at the Desam International Icon Awards Show in 2024, earning him the title of Most Popular Composer at the 2024 Nambikai Star Icon Awards show.

However, these distinctions are never recent. And it’s no wonder he’s regarded as one of Malaysia’s major music composers. In fact, he was the National Winner in Asian Academy Creative Awards 2022 and he has also won Cinefest ’19.

And this young man, who was only 18 at the time, had really entered the scene in 2008, at the age of 35.

Kaneeril Oor Kavithai, his second song as audio director, was the start of it.

And since then he has composed hit nearby Tamil line like Kalvanai Kandupidi, Tamiletchumy, Kalyaanam 2 Kaadhal and many more music tracks.

And indeed, he was also nominated for Malaysia’s Major 5 in Malaysia for Best Background Music Score and the 2019 PAAIM Johor Best Song Director Award. Major that, he has even worked with many brilliant international players.

However, this young artist has an edge due to his somewhat down-to-earth attitude. And he even thanked a number of mature musicians who have been extremely supportive of him throughout his journey to success.

His numerous collaborations with C4Cinta producer Karthik Shamalan have also played a significant role in his success, with their partnership having a significant impact on both his achievements and his many box office successes. The pair’s television series Kathal 2 Kalyanam is just amazing, with the stories being rehashed twice and the music being a hit with some.

” I have some folks to bless. My dad ( JB Mani Maran ), I followed him everywhere, and I have learned a lot from him. I likewise owe Rabbit Mac, my “big mate,” for guiding me through the business. In Karthik, I also found a wonderful nephew. My girlfriend also plays a major part in my set-up and I thank her little for that”, said the polite Shameshan.

” My friends and group in my organization setup, Wavebox, are also a big help, and I may go on and on.” This set up is like what you in Kollywood and these man, my colleagues, friends and brothers, are my great soldiers. We are a strong staff, and I’m hoping to keep producing special music for the viewers.

Some others also benefited me. I thank everyone in my home and the wonderful people I’ve met in my career.

This year, The Johor son is even taking new directions. Along with Karthik, he is also anticipated to launch a Malay picture in the second quarter of this year and is also on the verge of a significant international success.

We’ve previously worked on films and films starring Kollywood actors ( Sivappu Manjal Pachai ), but this one is unique because several prominent people are involved. And I may leave it to the key players to make the established statement,” said Shameshan”. The Malay film is scheduled to release in Q2 and it is ideal for the studios to follow suit.

All in all, I just want the viewers to continue to enjoy the song. That is what makes me and my staff the happiest at times. I’m so happy that Karthik and” C4Cinta” made such an extraordinary trip, and I’m confident that things will get even better quickly.

” It’s really encouraging to see how much Malaysians love Tamil music and movies.”

Being thus down to earth and down to earth at the same time, it is also great for someone who is so young and determined and hoping to make everyone happy with music.

Fans will likewise wish these excited buffalo composers keep up their good work and keep achieving success because he and his team have been doing it for the past 17 times.