KANCHANABURI: On Wednesday morning, two pickup trucks carrying unlawful immigrants crashed in the Sangkhla Buri city, killing a woman from Myanmar and injuring two men.
The crash happened on Road 323, the Sangkhla Buri-Three Pagodas Pass path, in tambon Nong Lu. I ,
Pol Maj Chantphong Thammasorn, analysis chief at Sangkhla Buri, said the incident was reported shortly after midnight.
A robotic pickup vehicle with Bangkok plates was discovered parked on the side of the road with minor injury, according to police and volunteers on the scene. In the ditch by the side of the road was a further damaged and abandoned delivery vehicle with Nakhon Pathom sheets.
A girl was discovered lying dead on the side of the road, her arms severably from a tree limb. She was an illegal immigrant from Myanmar, officers said.
Two additional illegal workers, both men, were also injured and were sent to Sangkhla Buri Hospital. One was seriously hurt, suffering a broken leg and head injury, and was eventually transferred to Phaholpolpayuhasena Hospital.
The two wounded men told authorities that they were one of 30 people who illegally crossed the border using a natural path to avoid safety gates in Nong Lu.
The two delivery vehicles involved in the collision were waiting for them when they arrived on Thai earth.  ,
Both individuals fled after the accident, along with the other illegal workers.  , The two people said they even tried to flee, but their wounds held them back. What caused the accident was unknown.  ,
Authorities were continuing their research, including viewing on the cars ‘ authorized users.