India holds state funeral for former PM Manmohan Singh

Joe Biden, the president of the United States, described Singh as a” real statesman” and claimed that he” charted pathbreaking improvement that may continue to improve our nations- and the planet- for generations to come.”

The former prime minister was hailed as a subtle engineer who was responsible for securing an economical growth in his first word.

Singh’s next tenure ended with a series of key corruption scandals, slowing development and higher prices.

Singh’s popularity in his second term, and lacklustre authority by Nehru-Gandhi heir Rahul Gandhi, the latest opposition leader in the lower house, led to Modi’s second landslide defeat in 2014.


Born in the mud-house town of Gah in what is now Pakistan and was then under British rule, Singh studied economics to discover a way to end hunger in the vast country.

He won fellowships to go both Cambridge, where he obtained a second in finance, and Oxford, where he completed his degree.

Singh held a number of positions in the top legal service, held positions in the central banks, and held positions in organizations around the world, including the United Nations.

In 1991, then-Circle Minister PV Narasimha Rao appointed him to lead India through its worst economic crises ever.

He was chosen as the 2004 Republican Party’s nominee for the highest office despite not holding an elected company.

In his first name, Singh steered the business through a period of 9 % growth, giving India the global strength it had long sought.

He also signed a monument nuclear agreement with the US, which he claimed would help India fulfill its growing energy needs.

Singh would always be remembered for his” support to the country, his immaculate political life, and his greatest humility,” according to President Murmu.