Director of household appliances company fined S$280,000 for evading GST, falsifying documents

SINGAPORE: A director of a firm that sells household appliances has been&nbsp, fined S$ 280, 000 ( US$ 206, 000 ) for fraudulently evading Goods and Services Tax ( GST ) on imported goods and&nbsp, falsifying documents. &nbsp,

Singapore Customs announced on Friday ( Dec. 27 ) that Zhang Wei, a permanent resident of Singapore, received a stronger sentence for his current case because he is a repeat offender.

Immigration & Checkpoints Authority ( ICA ) officers at Changi Airfreight Center inspected a consignment of an import shipment to Ziming Global on June 20, 2022. Zhang is the only producer of the business. &nbsp,

As the principles of the items were suspected to have been under-declared, ICA referred the package to Singapore Customs.

During the examination, the State Courts found fifty-two handphones and two unsold tablets.

According to studies, Zhang founded the business in 2010 to buy online appliances for homes. &nbsp, His family, &nbsp, Ou Lingxin, even a Singapore permanent resident, assisted in the&nbsp, bank’s business activities.

Between&nbsp, Sep 15, 2021 and Jun 18, 2022, &nbsp, Ou acted on Zhang’s guidance and created 131 false payments apparently issued to Ziming Global.

The&nbsp, forged payments, claiming to be from&nbsp, outside manufacturers, stated suppressed principles and were immediately used in Ziming Global’s force declarations for imports into Singapore.

This enabled Zhang to escape S$ 27, 562.35 in GST, Singapore Customs said.

Zhang&nbsp, who pleaded guilty to two counts of false avoidance of the GST, was found guilty on December 23. Two additional charges of evading the GST and two of faking payments were taken into account during punishment.

Zhang was recently found guilty of defrauding the GST and subject to a$ 166,000 fine in September 2016.

Ou&nbsp, was convicted on Apr 23 and fined S$ 7, 000. She pleaded guilty to one fee of concealing invoices used for transfer statements, with another&nbsp, cost of falsifying payments taken into consideration.

Members of the public who have knowledge about trafficking, avoidance of duty, or GST you record it to Singapore Customs online. &nbsp,