Customer shot dead outside Phuket pub

Forensic police note details at the scene of the fatal shooting in front of a pub in Phuket's Muang district early on Monday. (Photo: Achadthaya Chuenniran)
Forensic police note details at the scene of the fatal shooting in front of a bar in Phuket’s Muang district early on Monday. (Photo: Achadthaya Chuenniran)

PHUKET: A man involved in an debate with a woman has been shot dead with a security guard outside a pub within Muang district immediately before dawn upon Monday.

Pol Col Sarawut Chuprasit, the Muang police superintendent, stated the shooting happened about 5am in front of the Sot Phuket pub on Phuket street in Muang area.

He said that what brought up to the events had not been clear and still being investigated.

What was known, he or she said, was that the pub had closed but two clients, a man and a woman, and security pads were still away the front of the place. The man and the woman were quarrelling.

It appeared that the man was about to attack the girl with a knife and one of the guards intervened. The man continued to charge at the woman and another guard fired  one shot at him with a pistol, killing your pet.

The particular guard who terminated the killing photo had surrendered with Muang police station, Pol Col Sawarwut said.

The man who was killed was    identified as Traitewich Jindamaikul, 27.

The guard who terminated the fatal shot was Chaiwat Chuwong, 35. He surrendered to police plus handed over a dark UZB 943 Glock 9mm pistol with proper registration as well as a magazine loaded with fourteen cartridges.

The investigation had been continuing.