8kg of heroin among S$1.4 million worth of drugs seized in Tengah

SINGAPORE: A Central Narcotics Bureau ( CNB) operation in Tengah last Thursday ( Nov 7 ) saw about S$ 1.4 million ( US$ 1.05 million ) worth of drugs seized, including around 8kg of heroin.

Next Thursday evening, a 32-year-old man was arrested at the space deck of a personal wall near Plantation Crescent, said CNB in a news release on Monday.

According to CNB, about 1, 027 grams of cannabis and 513 grams of frost, which are also known as diamond meth, were recovered from him. &nbsp,

A 44-year-old guy and a 31-year-old lady were arrested during a distinct attack at a product in the same block. &nbsp,

About 3, 223g of hemp, 7, 626g of cocaine, 2, 339g of Ice, 235g of joy, five jugs of methadone, 2, 590 Erimin-5 devices and S$ 9, 250 worth of cash were seized from the product, said CNB.

Another 95g of hemp, 477g of cocaine, 169g of Ice and three jars of methadone were recovered from a vehicle driven by the older gentleman. &nbsp,

The arrested offenders are all Singaporeans, said CNB. &nbsp,

Their drug dealing operations are continuing. &nbsp,

The required death penalty applies to anyone who is found innocent of trafficking more than 15 grams of “pure heroin” or “pure heroin,” 250 grams of methamphetamine, or more than 500 grams of cannabis.