Last-ditch bid to make Tak Bai case arrests

Police main appeals for public information on tip-offs

Activists hold banners with messages decrying injustices in the 2004 Tak Bai massacre case in Narathiwat. Several suspects charged in connection with the case are missing with the statute of limitations set to expire on Friday. ABDULLOH BENJAKAT
In Narathiwat, protesters hold banners with messages condemning injustices committed in the Tak Bai murder of 2004. The statute of limitations, which is scheduled to expire on Friday, prevent the prosecution from naming several suspects in connection with the event. ABDULLOH BENJAKAT

Before the statute of limitations expires on Friday, federal police chief Pol Gen Kitrat Phanphet has demanded a last-ditch search to track down all the suspects in the case involving the Tak Bai murder in 2004.

With just two weeks left until the statute of limitations expires, Pol Gen Kitrat updated the public on how effective it is to detain the defendants.

More than 80 people were reportedly killed in the incidents that followed the arrest of protesters in Narathiwat province’s Tak Bai area and their subsequent transportation to a military service in Pattani state.

The murder resulted in 14 defendants being identified.

Seven, including Gen Pisal Wattanawongkiri, then the Fifth Army State’s captain, Pol Lt-Gen Wongkot Maneerin, next secretary federal police commander, and Maj Gen Chalermchai Wirunpeth, then the 5th Infantry Regiment’s commander, have been indicted by the Narathiwat Provincial Court in a case filed by the victims ‘ families. Additionally, arrest permits have been issued.

However, the attorney-general also filed a case against eight offenders with the Pattani Provincial Court on Sept 12. Both situations feature a suspect named as Maj Gen Chalermchai.

Pol Gen Kitrat stated that he was traveling to Provincial Police Region 9 to expedite the deciphering of all offenders before the event is over.

In his opinion, in order to do so, efforts have included issuing arrest warrants and working with international organizations like Interpol to challenge dark finds.

According to Pol Gen Kitrat, the authorities carried out 180 security surveillance and 29 requests to stop suspects from fleeing the country, as directed by Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra.

The public should instantly contact the authorities if they have any information about the suspects ‘ locations, according to the federal police chief.

According to him, an investigation revealed that some suspects had already eluded the land before permits were issued and had no clear information about where they were right now.

When questioned about potential legal changes that might increase the statute of limitations, Pol Gen Kitrat claimed that the police are exclusively focused on making arrests of suspects within the existing legal deadline and that they have no influence over politics.

He added that the soldiers were given instructions not to quit the searches.

Defence Minister Phumtham Wechayachai also stated to reporters that a legitimate group is considering asking for a royal order to prolong the detention ‘ date.

There are no “double criteria” in the legal system, according to Justice Minister Pol Col Tawee Sodsong, between cases involving state leaders and those involving citizens.

Kitrat: Wants fast effects

Kitrat: Wants fast effects