AGC says Donald Low’s Facebook post on Pritam Singh’s trial was in contempt of court

Ms. Rahayu claimed earlier on Saturday that her attorneys had written to the Hong Kong-based intellectual for an apology over disparaging comments that” crossed the line” and “impugned my character and integrity.”

When Ms. Rahayu’s attorney Andre Jumabhoy interrogated original WP cadre member Loh Pei Ying, an assistant to Ms. Raeesah Khan, Ms. Rahayu’s name appeared at the trial on October 17th.

Ms. Loh claimed that she corrected a WhatsApp information sent to the COP from previous group member Yudhishthra Nathan because it was related to another MP.

But under military barbecuing, she admitted it was a lie.

The conversation was verified by a top political team member and Ms. Rahayu Mahzam who sat next to me and verified every communication before it was redacted on my cellphone, according to Ms. Loh, who told the court that she was concerned that Mr. Nathan would be attacked for it. &nbsp,

Before going home and creating the file containing the emails for the COP, Ms. Loh claimed to have spent three hours going through the WhatsApp messages with Ms. Rahayu and another political staff part.

Mr Jumabhoy therefore questioned if Ms Rahayu knew what she was redacting, and agreed to the correction.

” No, this redaction is mine, but my position is that she would have seen ( the message )”, said Ms Loh.


Mr. Low claimed in a Facebook article on Saturday that he had made false claims about Ms. Rahayu that “wrongly impugn her character and integrity.”

” I undertake never to produce any more statements on these issues, or to make any claims to the same or related impact, in any way whatsoever”, Mr Low said.

Mr. Low even stated in an earlier article on the same day that he now comprehends that his Oct. 18 post slandered issues in the ongoing court proceedings in Singh’s test.

” For judgment prejudiced, interfered with, or posed a real danger of discrimination to or meddling with, the lessons of the pending Judge proceedings”, he wrote.

” I apologise to the Court, and I have removed my offensive Facebook write-up.”