Japan’s top diplomat raises concerns with China’s Wang about stabbings, military activity

The government said Iwaya had likewise conveyed “grave problems over the increasing actions of the Chinese defense” and sought an argument for a  violation of Japanese airport by a Chinese plane in August.

It was the first day a Taiwanese military aircraft had breached Japan’s aircraft, Japan’s military government has said.

The Chinese speech did not say how Wang responded to Iwaya’s demand.

In its own display of the telephone conversation, Chinese state media said Wang had told Iwaya that Beijing appreciated Tokyo’s “positive signals” to rapidly build diplomatic relations and looked forward to a “new atmosphere in the Chinese cabinet and fresh developments in China-Japan relations”.

The voice was fairly cheerful after Wang in July had said diplomatic relations were at a crucial step amid thorny issues including geographical claims, food buy bans and trade tensions, among other issues.

Wang also called for efforts to maintain harmony, “especially to reduce physical forces from spreading conflict and stirring up local confrontation”, CCTV said, an apparent reference to the United States, which is a vital ally of Japan.

” ( We ) hope Japan will establish an objective, rational and positive and friendly perception of China,” Wang told Iwaya, according to the CCTV report.