Motorbike thieves arrested in Khon Kaen

Stolen motorbikes recovered by police and parked at Khon Kaen police station on Monday, awaiting return to their rightful owners. (Photo: Chakkrapan Natanri)
Motorcycles that were dumped by officers and parked there on Monday are awaiting their return to their rightful users. ( Photo: Chakkrapan Natanri )

KHON KAEN- Two reported bike thieves have been detained in separate police inquiries into a series of bike thefts in the province, according to police reports on Monday.

All of their subjects acknowledged that the stolen bicycle had been left parked without the bars locked.

In the numerous locations where some of the stolen riders were stolen, police authorities who were looking at security camera footage noticed what appeared to be the same person dressed as a supply man.

Anusit Intiam, 40, was found and identified as the think. He was detained and his motorcycle was found in the Muang district’s tambon Nai Mueang.

The think claimed to have worked as a deliveryman and had been allegedly stealing motorcycles from provinces for the past month. Over&nbsp, the next three weeks he had stolen eight bicycles and sold each of them for 5, 000 ringgit to his companion, identified just as Chai, 30, who then sold them on for about 20, 000 ringgit each through online channels.

Officers had located the bicycles, some of which had previously been sold to people in different provinces, and had already given four back to their rightful owners. &nbsp,

Mr Anusit’s admitted partner-in-crime, Chai, remained at large. &nbsp,

In a split event, police arrested 23-year-old Praphan Sornsena at his house area in Muang state’s tambon Sila. They seized his motorcycles, and even found three meth devices in his wallet.

Mr. Praphan, who is alleged to be from Kalasin state, claimed he had stolen six motorcycles from car lots in Khon Kaen and that he had no work. According to authorities, he used the money to buy medicines and sold them as parts and as waste. &nbsp,

Both gentlemen were being held in police custody. &nbsp, &nbsp,