Slew of overseas visits show Prabowo’s desire to take charge of foreign affairs as president: Analysts

DIFFERENT Characteristics

During Mr Widodo’s presidency, Indonesia was the rotating president of the Group of 20 ( G20 ) in 2022 and the chairman of ASEAN in 2023. Since the end of the war in February 2022, he was the first Eastern head to travel to Russia and Ukraine. &nbsp,

But, he has not attended the annual UNGA.

Mr Widodo, who is famously known as Jokowi, assigned then-vice leader Jusuf Kalla to enter the UNGA in his first name, while Mdm Retno has been Indonesia’s agent for the past five years. &nbsp,

Experts have frequently cited his inability to attend the UNGA as a sign that the president is not particularly engaged in international affairs. &nbsp,

” He has never given any statements about this ( his non-attendance ). But maybe he ( Jokowi ) feels more inclined to be at home… to see how his programmes are working ( domestically )”, said Associate Professor Teuku Rezasyah from Bandung’s Padjadjaran University.

Jokowi has primarily traveled domestically since taking office in 2014. He frequently travels between two provinces every day, and the archipelago is vast ( the distance from west to east is equal to that between London and Baghdad ). &nbsp,

According to Prof. Angel Damayanti of Jakarta’s Christian University of Indonesia ( UKI), retired general Prabowo has a different personality and background than Jokowi, a local businessman with humble roots.

” Mr Prabowo is pleasant, likes to have many friends, and has lived overseas for quite a moment”, said Prof Angel, who specialises in global surveillance and relations. &nbsp, &nbsp,

” As a military personnel, he was used to working with the military from other countries, so he is more confident ( than Jokowi ), and he has that capability ( to work with others )” .&nbsp,

Mr Prabowo’s parents, Mr Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, was an analyst and lawmaker but lived overseas for a while due to political reasons. &nbsp,

As a result, his son went to school in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom and is fluent in English and a few different foreign language.

On social media platform X, Mr Prabowo claimed in 2013 that he also speaks German, Dutch, and French.

According to Assoc Prof Teuku Rezasyah of Bandung’s Padjadjaran University, Mr. Prabowo is a comfortable head.

” And he is educated about foreign issues”, he said.