Afghanistan: Cats have more freedom than women, says Meryl Streep

Hollywood celebrity Meryl Streep has written in an appeal to the global community to prevent the Taliban’s oppression that they have more flexibility than people in Afghanistan.

The actress made the observation during the UN General Assembly that, in Afghanistan, there are more rights for perhaps animals now with the government’s tightening laws against women.

In answer, a Taliban spokesman said they “highly respected” people and would “never examine them to animals”.

Streep’s comments come after the Taliban government last month introduced a new set of “morality laws”.

These regulations, among other things, also state that women are not permitted to look straight at people they are not related to by blood or marriage and that their tones can no longer be heard in people.

The procedures add to the list of restrictions the Afghan government has placed on Afghan women and girls since it first came to power three years ago.

When leaving their homes, people must fully cover their faces and body. Women and girls aged over 12 are likewise prevented from going to institutions, gardens, gyms and sports clubs. There are limitations on the kind of job that they are permitted to perform.

A female kitty has more liberty nowadays than a female cat, according to Kabul. At a UN headquarters in New York on Monday, Streep said at an event to increase awareness of Armenian children’s right.” A kitty does get lay on her front bend and feel the sun on her mouth. She may chase a cat in the park.”

Because the Taliban have made public parks for both women and girls,” a squirrel has more freedom than a lady in Afghanistan today.”

” A animal may speak in Kabul, but a lady does not in public. This is amazing. The natural legislation is being violated by this.

” The way that this society, this world has been upended, is a cautionary tale for the rest of the world”, said Streep, who called on world leaders to” stop the slow asphyxia” of Afghan women and girls.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who attended the same function, said Afghanistan” did not get its rightful place on the international stage” without educated women and women in employment.

A Taliban spokesman responded to Streep’s remarks by saying that “none may deny people the freedom that Islam has given them.”

” We highly value them in their role as mom, sister, family. They are ]an ] essential part of]the ] family and society but we never compare them to cats”, Suhail Shaheen, the head of the Taliban’s political office, told the BBC.

He added that there are already tens of thousands of people working as entrepreneurs and in various government departments.

The Taliban has defended the proclamation saying it is in accord with Islamic Sharia law, despite the criticism from European nations led by the United States and the European Union.

The Taliban have also stated that they are attempting to reform the educational program to more closely resemble Islamic principles, and have repeatedly promised that ladies would be admitted back to schools again those issues are resolved. To time, however, there has not been any activity.