Govt upgrades regs on super-yacht visits

To encourage Thailand as an Eastern bay hub, the Transport Ministry has relaxed its restrictions to allow larger-sized cruise ships or super yachts to deal in Thai waters.

In an effort to improve the existing sea position and advance the marine tourism industry, Deputy Minister Manaporn Charoensri said on Friday that the Marine Department had just changed a rules for super yacht and sports boat arrivals.

The rule has been in place since August 2015, according to the article. It needs to be updated to keep with the present circumstances. The rules supports the government’s plan by focusing on powerful foreign visitors”, she said.

Due to the administration’s efforts to promote Thailand as an Asian bay hub, she said,” Thailand is set to become a regional center for sea commerce and cruise ship go.”

The Marine Department producer, Kritpetch Chaichuay, said the fresh rule up the meanings of such warships.

The length of big cruise and sports boats ( super yachts ) has been lowered from the previous 30 metres-plus, carrying a maximum of 12 passengers, to 24 metres and over, carrying a maximum of 12 passengers, in line with international standards.

The insurance coverage has a policy volume of at least US$ 5 million, or about 171 million ringgit, per occurrence.

According to Mr. Kritpetch, supporting documentation may be provided in Thai or English and can be applied for permission through the electric support system.

Within 25 working days, the time frame for evaluating agreement has also been set.

Over the past three decades, the Ministry of Transport has even found that there are now more boats that are more than 24 meters entering and leaving Thailand. In 2021, 41 super boats arrived in Phuket, compared to 117 in 2022 and 148 in 2023, according to statistics from the Ministry of Transport.

On the Andaman and Gulf of Thailand factors, both, boats had the most popular destinations in Phuket and Koh Samui. The government claims that it is currently working on two journey switch projects in Koh Samui and Laem Chabang Port.